Strike Witches/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* What's the deal with the Africa Doujinshis being "semi-canon"? How are they (or anything) "semi-canon"?
* Are the characters really as [[Les Yay]] as we are led to believe? (or are some closer to Bi?)
** Yoshika - Yes she has a thing for large breasts, but it could also be seen as her associating them with the idea of motherhood and nurturing others. (Both her mother AND grandmother are witches, doctors, and parents after all.)
** Lynette - Both she AND Yoshika are said to have grown up attending all-girl schools so their actual experience with males was limited to begin with and could arguably be considered a matter of environmental exposure than genuinely being one way or another.
** Perrine - Her thing for the major. IS it genuine? Or is it her projecting her feelings and admiration of her parents who were said to have been nobles (people of authority) that she lost being projected onto Mio (a person of authority she's close to)?
** Barkhorn - She spent years looking after and worrying about her sister, so she projects it on those who remind her of Chris. (Such as Yoshika or even Hartmann at times.)
** Shirley and Franchesca - Franchesca is still very child-like in demeanor (which fits considering she's the youngest of the witches in the 501st). Shirley on the other hand acts like somewhat of a big-sister and possibly mother-like figure toward her during their time in service together.