Strong as They Need to Be: Difference between revisions

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* In the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]], Luke gets new Force powers as needed. So does Jacen.
* Done well, and justified, in a fight scene from ''[[Lord Darcy|Too Many Magicians]]'': Lord Ashley is dueling a villain whose sword is enchanted, and keeps flickering in and out of visibility. As he's pressed hard by his foe's invisible attacks, Ashley's fear activates his own power of prescience, allowing him to intuit exactly where the blade will strike next. This turns the tables on the villain, who begins a fighting retreat ... at which point, Lord Ashley's growing confidence causes his prescient power to shut down again, as it's established that it [[Power Incontinence|only works when he's under stress]]. Luckily for him, his opponent doesn't realize that's what happened, and when Ashley hesitates, his foe seizes the opportunity to escape rather than attack.
*One of the criticisms of ''[[World War Z]]'' is that zombies tough enough to not be turned into [[Ludicrous Gibs]] by artillery and bombing has no business being killable by small arms and ordinary civilians' melee attacks.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Adrenaline does this. People who normally wouldn't be anywhere near the strength of an Olympic weightlifter can suddenly lift cars up to get someone they care about out from under them.
*The archetypal conspiracy theory in Western popular consciousness postulates that [[The Man]] has armies of [[The Men in Black|Men in Black]], fleets of [[Black Helicopter]]s, and [[Sinister Surveillance]] capabilities more in line with a nigh-omniscient god than anything humanly possible... and yet is simultaneously weak or incompetent enough that they can't silence those revealing the secret, and a small band of plucky rebels or militia can mount a successful resistance.