Suikoden V: Difference between revisions

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* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: The Sun Rune is one of the strongest of the 27 True Runes, and can cause moments of extreme megalomania in it's bearer, as they believe themselves to be a God. Even the kind and loving Arshtat fell victim to this, destroying Lordlake {{spoiler|and almost doing the same to the entire country of Falena}} because of the rune's influence. This is in fact what happened to empire that existed where Falena does long before the game takes place. The ruler who wielded the Sun Rune went mad and annihilated his entire nation overnight. Supposedly, having possesion of both the Dawn and Twilight Runes prevents this from happening to the wielder of the Sun Rune.
* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: Queen Arshtat.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Lucretia wields one of these masterfully to beat the combined Armes/Godwin army, first feigning defeat to get the enemy armies to occupy the rebel headquarters, then flooding the entire thing, then launching a full out assault on the weakened enemy forces. Truly worthy of being an [[Expy]] of [[Romance of the Three Kingdoms (novel)|Zhuge Liang]]. She really did think of everything. Leaving the castle itself is a good move because they would be surrounded otherwise, and it denies the enemy desperately needed food. Even if the Armes/Godwin army ''didn't'' fall for the trap, they'd still be chasing a fully stocked army with empty bellies and grumbling mouths.
* [[Yin-Yang Bomb]]: The Twilight Rune and the Dawn Rune have an incredibly powerful combination spell that heals the friendly party and damages all enemies at once.
* [[You Can't Thwart Stage One]]: Very, very obvious, and very ''very'' painful. Especially since the quality of the writing repeatedly forces blatant false hope on the player that serves only to underscore this trope.