TV Genius: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' gives us [[Cloudcuckoolander|Haruhi]], [[Emotionless Girl|Yuki]] and [[The Philosopher|Koizumi]], all of whom are highly intelligent individuals with highly noticeable eccentricities. The trope is averted, however, with Kyon, who despite peppering his narrative with obscure references to literature, mythology and history, is a generally well-adjusted individual with somewhat poor grades.
** Koizumi and Yuki are more [[Averted Trope|aversions]] than straight examples. Yuki's behavior is due to her status as a [[Starfish Alien]]; and Koizumi is the Mask playing up his role in accordance with how [[Reality Warper|Haruhi]] [[Ambiguously Gay|wants him to act]]. a straight example is [[Straw Vulcan|Sasaki]]. Her [[Spock Speech]], tendency to [[Deconstructor Fleet|deconstruct the crap out of everything the sees,]] and her inability to understand people who believe in the supernatural are in line with this trope.
* Kotomi Ichinose from ''[[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]]'' lacks all but the most basic of social skills while being a [[Teen Genius]]. Of course, she has a [[Freudian Excuse]] because {{spoiler|the last thing she told her parents before they died in a plane crash was that she hated them and Tomoya didn't show up for her birthday party.}} As a result, she shunned society and studied, and studied, and studied, and studied, and, well, [[Overly Long Gag|you get the idea.]]
* ''[[Code Geass]]'': Nina Einstein. Oh ''God'', Nina Einstein. Genius-level intellect and machine building skills, crippling insecurity, ''ginormous'' fear of Japanese and so on. And after {{spoiler|her crush Euphemia}} died... [[It Got Worse]].
** There's also Lloyd, who isn't nicknamed [[Fan Nickname|"Lloyd Aspie"]] for nothing.
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** Many of his odd behaviours may have more to do with his culture and species. (All of his species think, speak, and act exhaustingly quickly; he just expediates his actions even moreso.)
** Mordin is also old by Salarian standards (their lifespan is about 40).
* In ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]] 2'''s cinematics, the scientists seem incapable of using normal-sized words, jump to conclusions in a very unscientific way, and wear lab coats and nerd glasses or goggles all the time.
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