Tactics Ogre/Characters: Difference between revisions

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A Galgastani who served his clan in battle. He was a knight of House Didarro, a family of note in Coritanae. They have served the Lord of Coritanae for many generations, and are fiercely loyal to the Kingdom of Galgastan. Hektor was to wed Moldova until she fell in battle at Krysaro. He was garrisoned at Brigantys Castle under High Commander Xaebos, but later set off for the Bahanna Highlands to aid Moldova's sister Cressida. He escorted Cressida to Brigantys Castle safely, but was then killed by Denam's unit. The necromancer Nybeth later resurrected him and Moldova, but they were defeated by Denam once more, setting their souls free at last.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: In the original, Hektor was just another generic leader for you to trample. In the remake, he gets a bigger role, being important to the developments of Chapter 3 in the Lawful and Chaotic Routesroutes.
* [[Badass Boast]]: The remake allows him to give the mother of them all in Chapter 3C:
<small>{{quote|'''Hektor:''' Now my love turns to vengeance, Denam of Golyat! I am Hektor Didarro, son of Briam, Knight of Galgastan. I thank the Father for bringing you before me this day, Denam of Golyat! On the souls of my destined wife and her mother, ''I swear you will not live to see another dawn!''}}</small>
* [[Batman Gambit]]: On the Lawful Route, Hektor finds the exit to his own dilemma in Denam; after realizing the Hero of Golyat is coming for Brigantys, he and his father set the scene up so that he fights to the death with Denam, while his father makes sure the Galgastani dissidents are safe. The extra? Jeunan tells Denam later that his father also planned to join him as soon as their safety was guaranteed, ''by commiting suicide''.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Nybeth brings him back as an undead along with his bethroted in the Chaotic Route.route}}.
* [[Graceful Loser]]: In the Chaotic Routeroute, he acknowledges Denam as being ''far above his league'', but despite Denam's plead to solve this peacefully, [[Honor Before Reason|Hektor rather prefers to die for the Galgastani cause he swore for]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: It doesn't matter what Hektor believes in; he made an oath to Galgastan, and he's willing to ''meet his own end'' for it.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: In the Lawful Routeroute, this was the only way he could make sure Denam wasn't anything like Ronwey or Balbatos: ''[[Suicide by Cop|by clashing with him to the death]]''.
* [[Suicide by Cop]]: Part of his [[Batman Gambit]] on the Lawful Routeroute to ensure Balbatos' dissidents would live.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Hektor may have no love for Balbatos, but he's made his oath for Galgastan, one he feels compelled to respect to the bitter end.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Sees Denam as one in the Chaotic Routeroute.
=== Gildora (Zildor) ===
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* [[The Atoner]]: Jeunan was responsible for the massacre of a village in Exeter Island, among some other events. He's horrified of the results, which motivated him to turn against the Hierophant.
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: On the Lawful Routeroute, since Denam also does the job of [[The Atoner]] for the Balmamusa Massacre, he decides to join him to repent for their sins together. On the Chaotic Routeroute, this doesn't happen, as Denam has ''nothing to atone for'' due to refusing to take part in it.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: The remake changes his [[Weapon of Choice]] to a spear. He used swords in the original version.
* [[Dragon Knight]]: He's part of Galgastan's Wyrmslayer Squad, whose job was to hunt dragons, and his class is the Dragoon.
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* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]: That sprite of hers make her look fat, thus she's the subject of various fat jokes.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: She may look fine and normal, but you could go out of your way to make her miserable, which includes getting Folcurt killed before he could rescue her, or taking the Neutral route and let her see Cerya die. Or not recruiting Sherri and kill her...
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Is not heard of again in the Lawful Routeroute. {{spoiler|Not even during the scene when Cerya gets killed by the Dark Knights. Could've had an offscreen death though}}.
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Unlike Cerya, she doesn't like staining her hands with blood to achieve her goal.
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* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|I Hate You, Necromancer Dad]]: She has an extremely good reason to despise her dad, starting from toying with the souls of the dead, and then doing his work on Dievold...
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|The body she is inhabiting actually belonged to Nybeth's deceased daughter, Amala. Oelias was Amala's mother who died along with her. In other words, she's Nybeth's wife}}.
=== Dievold Rane Obdilord (Debordes Obderhode) ===