Tactics Ogre/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Hobyrim in the SFC/PSX version. As a Swordmaster he has an extremely high Dexterity point that makes him able to cast status debuff spells with extremely high accuracy, give him a spell like Petrify and he can disable the enemy team with ease. In the PSP version, due to changes of mechanics of the Swordmaster class, they cannot wield the Petrify spell, severely nerfing Hobyrim's capabilities.
* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]: Due to how her sprite is drawn, Cistina has been the butt end of many fat jokes, when she's just wearing a rather long skirt. That is, unless you're listening to the other half of the fandom.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Balxephon betrayed the senate of Lodis, killed his father, and blamed it on his brother.
* [[Older Than They Think]]: Because of the timeframe the Playstation version of ''[[Tactics Ogre]]'' was released in English (When internet was beginning to become a bit more widespread, before all the information was as easily accessible as it is now, especially the ROM of the SNES version), some people thought it was a clone of ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'', when the latter was actually [[Spiritual Successor]] to ''Tactics Ogre'', made by the same development team. Square was so impressed with Tactics Ogre that they asked Quest to make them a [[Final Fantasy]] themed variant.
* [[Player Punch]]: Letting a unit die generates a random dying line. Some of them blame you for your poor leadership.