Take That/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[The Incredible Hercules]]'' arc "Love & War" was more or less a massive Take That at DC's ''[[Amazons Attack]]''. And by that, we mean it was completely awesome.
* One of the first issues of [[Peter David]]'s ''[[Captain Mar-Vell]]'' (not [[Captain Marvel|that other guy]]) started with this dialogue:
{{quote|'''Guy:''' I have here an entire box of ''[[Youngblood]] [[Rob Liefeld|#1]]'' special collector's editions. How much'll you give me?<br />
'''Marlo:''' A dollar.<br />
'''Guy:''' A dollar a copy?! But they retail for $2.50 apiece! I bought this five years ago as a college investment!<br />
'''Marlo:''' Not a dollar a copy. A dollar for the whole box. And frankly, it's guys like you who ruined the fun of comic reading for everybody else. }}
* Also, after Liefeld complained about how David revealed that Shatterstar is bisexual in ''[[X-Factor]]'' comics because it was against [[Small Name, Big Ego|his vision]] and that he was supposed to be like a Spartan warrior and Mel Gibson in ''[[Gladiator]]'', David said he's going to add a dialogue below in one of next issues. He kept his word.