Take the Money and Run (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Dreadful Musician]]: Virgil, according to his cello instructor, had “no concept of the instrument...he was ''blowing'' into it.” Virgil does, however, end up being good enough to play... [[Hilarity Ensues|in a local marching band.]]
* [[Film Felons]]: Virgil stages one bank robbery to look like a movie shoot, complete with a camera and a very eccentric man as "the director".
* [[Identity Amnesia]]: After [[Tap on the Head|getting hit in the head with a baseball]] at a Washington Senators game, Virgil's grandfather thinks he's [[World War One|Kaiser Wilhelm]].*
* [[Incredibly Obvious Bug]]: Virgil devises a way to take a hidden camera into a bank he is scouting out for a planned robbery. It's hidden in a loaf of bread, which Virgil repeatedly holds up to his face as one would an ordinary camera.
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: Pretty much the only reason we’re rooting for Virgil is because he keeps getting beaten up and humiliated in a [[Peanuts|Charlie Brown]]-esque way.