Tales of Innocence: Difference between revisions

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* [[Idiot Ball]]: Luca holds one after {{spoiler|the first battle with Hasta. Yes kid, the crazed psychopath who is about to be offed wants to whisper something in your ear; of COURSE it's a good idea to get closer to him. Surely he's not going to stab you and run away. That'd be just crazy... [[Ax Crazy|OH WAIT]].}}
* [[Informed Flaw]]: Ange being overweight. It isn't even mentioned at all until she's been with your party a while. Though her clothes are much baggier than anyone else's (which she lampshades during one skit), and she does enjoy food.
* [[Jump Cut]] -: In the edit of "Follow the Nightingale" that plays during the game's intro, about 55 seconds in.
* [[Kid Hero]]: Boy does Ruca certainly fit this! He's 15, and looks even ''younger''.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: {{spoiler|Cerberus}}. Dear ''god'', look how cute it is!!
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* [[Noodle People]]: The character models can get a bit noodley at times.
* [[Official Couple]]: [[Tsundere|Iria]] is the heroine and she and Luca [[Reincarnation Romance|were lovers in their past lives]], so she's who Luca is "supposed to" pair off with (and is the easiest to raise friendship with). However, since Luca's [[Relationship Values]] affect the plot (not significantly, but they do), you can opt to instead pair him off with [[Cute Bruiser|Hermana]] or [[Lady of War|Ange]]. Or even [[Ho Yay|Spada or Ricardo]].
* [[One-Winged Angel]]
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: Subverted in the opening "follow the nightingale" by Kokia. It's actually [[Cypher Language|backwards Japanese]].
** Maintained in the fan translation- the English subtitles for the backwards Japanese parts are written backwards.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Hasta. {{spoiler|It goes way back: Even as Gaebolg, he had the tendency to turn insane anyone who holds him, and attack friend and foe alike.}}
** {{spoiler|Turns out Mathias is one too.}}
* [[One-Winged Angel]]
* [[Past Life Memories]]: Probably the most obvious, on-track trope listed here, along with [[Reincarnation]].
* [[Path of Inspiration]]: Arca, the [[cult]] led by Mathais, who is trying to [[Omnicidal Maniac|destroy the world]], which she believes will make everyone truly equal.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: [[Ax Crazy|Hasta]] and his bright pink hair.
* [[Reincarnation]]: Where do you want me to begin?
* [[Recurring Boss]]
* [[Reincarnation]]: Where do you want me to begin?
* [[Reincarnation Romance]]: And ''how''.
* [[Relationship Values]]: Of the highly visible sort. And not just with Luca. You can view and have direct influence over all 15 relationships between the characters of the party (although Luca's are the only ones that affect the plot).
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Iria and Hermana.
* [[Saintly Church]]: In contrast to [[Path of Inspiration|Arca]], the Church of Naos doesn't do a whole lot during the game but is largely described and portrayed as good.
* [[Saving the World]] -: A given, but rather than winning fame and adoration, the heroes stay pretty anonymous. They don't consult world leaders, they don't lead military battalions, they just do their hero jobs completely under the radar of everybody but the [[Big Bad]]. This is commented on at the end. "We changed the world, and nobody will ever know it was us." They then all go on to [[Normal People|lead fairly normal lives]].
* [[Scare Chord]] -: A well-placed one hits at various moments, like when an Avatar transforms into a Ratio.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]] -: Luca points out to Ricardo at one point that his statements about Ange are very romantic [[Defied Trope|when they're taken out of context]].
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Everybody knows about Luca and Iria, but Spada is the one that supports them the most (altough how much of it is support and how much of it is tease is arguable).
* [[Shout-Out]]: Surprisingly western ones, mostly with minor NPCs. For example, there is an old man (who is a bit of a poet) who tells the party about Chien's backstory. His name is [[Edgar Allan Poe|Edguar Allen Pwo]].
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** Recent scans for ''Tales of Innocence R'' show new Mystic Artes for Luca, Iria, and Spada. Iria's is called ''Absolute Zero''. Wait a second, [[Fan Translation|that sounds familiar...]]
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Absolute Zero's translation follows official localizations' footsteps - that includes re-romanizing some names to their probable original intent (Namco has a reputation for choosing foreign-sounding names that are actually pretty gibberish-y). Therefore, some differences between the translation and the "official" romanizations - Ruca/Luca, Asras/Asura, Sian/Chien, Matias/Mathias, Latio/Ratio etc. While Ruca/Luca tends to get some flame, the other "changes" (note quotations) are generally agreed to be for the better.
* [[Steampunk]] -: The setting is more industrialized turn-of-the-century than [[Medieval Stasis]] with [[Lost Technology]], a rarity for the series.
* [[Sticky Fingers]]: ''Ange'', of all people, at least in terms of gameplay. Iria and Hermana will call her out on this the first time she uses her Thievery skill.
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: Let's just say Ricardo (and by extension, the entire party) is '''not''' happy when Oswald uses {{spoiler|Gardel}}'s corpse to empower the Gigantess Omega.