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{{quote|''I've sailed the seven seas in search of archaic charms and curiosities; I've raided the sunken smelters of Popgowatu for the finest of tools; and I've worked by candlelight in the yawing quarters of my ship to forge together the raw materials into the finest of blades, all to finally put a bloody end to my undead rival and stealer of spouse. It is now that this sword is more than just a sword; it is a covenant! I'm not exactly sure what that word means, but it sounds right. The seas will sleep soundly tonight, for LeChuck's time is up!''|Excerpted from ''The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The [[Monkey Island (series)|Monkey Island]] Years''}}
''Tales of Monkey Island'' is a 2009 video game, developed by [[Telltale Games]]. It is a five-part episodic game and the fifth in the ''[[Monkey Island (series)|Monkey Island]]'' series. The game begins at the conclusion of Guybrush's latest, [[Noodle Incident|unseen]] adventure - the player guides him as he once again defeats LeChuck with an improvised piece of voodoo weaponry, only to turn the villain human again, release his concentrated evil as "The Pox of LeChuck" (which infects Guybrush's own hand) and maroon himself on Flotsam Island. All in the first chapter!
Not to be confused with the early 80s adventure series ''[[Tales of the Gold Monkey]]''.
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* [[Brain Bleach]]: Episode 1: Guybrush Threepwood goes to open a closet, which the Voodoo Lady yells for him not to open before adding, "It's where I keep my... unmentionables." Guybrush shudders, and the closet from then on is named "The Scariest Closet in the World."
** Also, when the Voodoo Lady apparently goes into too much detail about a previous romantic relationship with De Cava, Guybrush covers his ears and blocks her out between "[her] supple-" and "-like a volcano!"
* [[Break the Cutie|Breaking the Cutie]]: Over the course of the episodes, a real number is done on the happy-go-lucky Guybrush. First it starts out harmless enough with Elaine seemingly willing to trust a human LeChuck over Guybrush's objections, then {{spoiler|he loses his hand along with his wedding ring}}, he breaks down in grief {{spoiler|1=after failing to protect Morgan LeFlay from being fatally stabbed by LeChuck}}, he's backstabbed twice {{spoiler|(maybe three times if you count the Voodoo Lady)}}, he suffers a [[Heroic BSOD]] {{spoiler|1=when it looks like Elaine has done a complete [[Face Heel Turn]] to leave him for LeChuck}} and it all ends with one [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|terribly brutal beatdown]] {{spoiler|1=from LeChuck}} that leaves Guybrush in such physical agony he can't even joke anymore. [[The Woobie|The poor dear]] really just needed a hug at the end.
* [[Brick Joke]]: A possibly accidental one: The [[The Secret of Monkey Island|first game]] has Guybrush state "half the people I know are called Guybrush." The brick comes crashing down in Chapter 4 when he explains to Bosun Krebbs {{spoiler|that she had attempted to carry out revenge on the ''wrong'' Guybrush Threepwood.}} Apparently he even gets his mail.
** Early in Chapter 1, Guybrush gains entrance to Club 41 and is told that all probationary members have to wear blindfolds inside the club, so he puts one on and promptly gets involved in a bar fight. Late in Chapter 5, when Guybrush {{spoiler|goes back to Club 41 and retrieves the blindfold for use in a voodoo recipe}}, he learns that the whole "all probationary members have to wear blindfolds inside the club" thing was just a joke on the bouncer's part.
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* [[Foreign Queasine]]: Discussed in Chapter 3: when Guybrush looks at the manatee's uvula, he says, "Mmm... manatee uvula," then pauses a bit before adding, "Eh, it's a delicacy in some cultures."
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Starting when Elaine sternly asks where Guybrush’s wedding ring is, there is plenty of evidence that she will eventually get the wrong idea about him and Morgan.
* [[Formally-Named Pet]]: Hemlock McGee has a cat named Miss Prettywhiskers.
* [[For Science!]]: The Marquis De Singe will exclaim this when asked about a Vole-Powered Generator in his lab.
* [[Four Is Death]]: This may be a coincidence or unintentional, but Chapter 4 seems to be ''the very embodiment of death itself'', {{spoiler|especially when its eerie-sounding title, "The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood", [[Foreshadowing|foreshadows]] its premonition that Guybrush will die, with a bit of [[Fridge Brilliance]].}} And it's a little eerie when the scene on Flotsam is night-themed, indicating that night is very deathly. And out of the five charges {{spoiler|that Guybrush faces and manages to clear}}, only four are civil ones that carry the death penalty, as indicated in the court briefs.
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{{quote|'''Guybrush:''' My possibly dead mother could shoot a cannon better than you can!}}
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Anemone. Also [[Formally-Named Pet|Miss Prettywhiskers]] and the Marquis De Singe.
* [[Mysterious Backer]]: The Voodoo Lady, naturally.
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
** The Crossroads lead to three seperate pirate heavens, themed after swordfighting, thievery and treasure hunting. Just like the three trials in [[Secret of Monkey Island]].
** The Cursed Cutlass Of Kaflu requires five items for the spell to be complete. The ingredients include: 37 oz. of bloodstained silver, [[The Secret of Monkey Island|Ghost-destroying Voodoo Root Beer (fizzy)]], [[Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge|a Voodoo Doll]], [[The Curse of Monkey Island|the Midas Diamond]], and [[Escape from Monkey Island|The Ultimate Insult]]. Of those last four ingredients, only the Diamond ''wasn't'' used to defeat LeChuck in the past. And that's probably because [[Pepper Sneeze|black pepper]] would've been a really lame voodoo ingredient.
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** And that is not all, as this is followed by {{spoiler|1=Guybrush being asked by the Voodoo Lady to search for the legendary [[MacGuffin]] Esponja Grande and his eventually finding the sponge and using it to absorb and remove the pox from everyone in Chapter 4, curing them completely, so that LeChuck can obtain it for himself, killing Guybrush in the process. Nice job [[Stupid Sacrifice|curing everyone and getting yourself killed]], Guybrush.}}
** {{spoiler|1=And in Chapter 5, when Guybrush (as a [[Ghost Pirate]]) finds a spell so he can escape the Crossroads and return to the living world, he opens up the rip in the Crossroads and inadvertently (along with LeChuck's hypnotized monkeys) lets the villain use La Esponja Grande to harness the voodoo power from the Crossroads, creating other rips and becoming the [[A God Am I|Demon Pirate God of the Caribbean]] who turns a willing Elaine into his demon bride. Nice job making LeChuck more evil, Guybrush! However, creating other rips lets Guybrush find a way to [[Inhuman Human|repossess his own corpse]] and shrink the sponge in order to free Elaine from LeChuck's influence. So nice job negating your breaking it and averting the destruction, Guybrush.}}
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: The final battle with {{spoiler|1=Pirate God LeChuck}} is ''brutal'', and just painful to watch. He basically plays with Guybrush like a rag doll, trying to kill him in horrifyingly ''direct'' and ''painful'' ways. Throwing him from the ship's crow's nest, keelhauling him multiple times, throwing him into the quarters so hard the door is blown off its hinges, and punching him so hard that he ends up in the crow's nest again. And Guybrush {{spoiler|is a zombie and}} [[Immortality Hurts|can't even die]]. What truly sells the horror of the whole sequence is Guybrush's voice. You can tell ''just'' how much pain he's truly in just by hearing the way his voice constantly breaks, and the weary way he tries to describe things. He's so spent, so exhausted, and in so much ''pain'' that he can't even ''quip''. A Guybrush who can't make jokes is a sad thing indeed.
** This beatdown will continue uninterrupted if you, the player, don't figure out a way to stop it. Given that this is an adventure game, finding the solution takes time and it's just heart wrenching to hear Guybrush's voice full of pain then being forced to return to the beating when something you try isn't successful. The longer it takes to solve the puzzle [[Video Game Caring Potential|the worse it gets]].
* [[Non Sequitur Thud]]: "Is that you, mother? I washed my hands..."
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* [[Prolonged Prologue]]: Somewhat long in Chapters 1 and 3.
* [[Public Execution]]: Discussed in the courthouse bulletin in Chapter 4, {{spoiler|1=and almost attempted when Judge Grindstump is imposing a death sentence on Guybrush... until [[Big Damn Heroes|LeChuck arrives at the courthouse to clear our hero's name]]}}.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: In Chapter 4, {{spoiler|1=when Guybrush tells the Poxed Elaine about getting LeChuck out of jail once everyone is cured of the Pox}}:
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Elaine}}:''' THAT spineless [[Hold Your Hippogriffs|goody-two-boots]]? Let! Him! Rot!}}
** At the beginning of Chapter 1, when Guybrush talks to Elaine and asks, "Are you hungry?":
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* [[Stealth Pun]]: In Chapter 1, "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal", one Gaffer Crimpdigit makes glass unicorns. But, he wishes he could make something "that really speaks to" seafaring pirates. Did we mention the episode is called "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal"?
** Jacques the Monkey? [[Peter Gabriel]] says hello...
* [[Sticky Situation]]: Near the end of Chapter 1, {{spoiler|when Guybrush's [[Evil Hand|demonic hand]] acts up and prevents him from telling Winslow what to do,}} Guybrush cleverly devises a way to stop the situation by opening up the tar barrel and trapping his hand in sticky tar (he even says, "That's what I call a sticky situation!" while looking at the tar puddle again).
* [[Stiff Upper Lip]]: Winslow doesn't make much of a fuss about paying to repair the mast repeatedly {{spoiler|(probably because it means he gets to see Anemone)}}, having to put up with the Pox, getting shipwrecked, and so forth. All he asks is that you please use the map....
* [[Stock Scream]]: {{spoiler|The Marquis De Singe's final squeal before his molecular dissection is a Wilhelm scream cut off halfway through.}}