Taxi Driver/Headscratchers

Revision as of 00:58, 4 December 2013 by Gethbot (talk | contribs) (clean up)

  • I was looking, out of curiosity, for the famous Travis Bickle jacket. Then I realized he actually wore two different jackets in the film, a more casual, beige/drab one and a more army-looking, green one. He began wearing the latter in his Training Montage and switched back to the original in the ending. Both have all the same emblems/insignias (apart from the 'We Are the People' pin, which the original lacked). It's never explained, do the army issue both and he wore the more savage one as a signal that he wanted to fight the filth off the street?
    • I figure both of his jackets are from Vietnam, since the more casual one you brought up has BICKLE, T. written on the back. If you're looking for symbolic foreshadowing of his ideas and actions, I figure the mohawk is the clearest one.

However, concerning the items of clothing: the larger army jacket he wears merely enables him to carry that huge Magnum .44 of his around - it probably would have been a bit too visible with the holster had he worn it under the thicker, smaller one. In every scene where he carries a piece, he's wearing the bulkier army jacket. At least that's my take on it.

  • How did Iris get her money?

If you were a pimp, would you let the 12-year-olds in your stable collect their own mail, or give it to them without first opening it?