Teleportation Sickness: Difference between revisions

added fan works section and example
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(added fan works section and example)
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== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
* Awaki Musujime in ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'' has a trauma involving a [[Teleporter Accident]] in her childhood. As a result, her powerful teleportation abilities are offset by three seconds, and she has great difficulty in teleporting herself, becoming heavily nauseous and fatigued afterwards. Later on, to balance this out, {{spoiler|GROUP provides her with a massage device to relieve her trauma whenever she uses her abilities}}.
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** The actual reason for this is that whenever he teleports, he goes through a dimension that is actively hostile to human life (that's where the smoke comes from). He's built up an endurance to it, while people he teleports offensively usually haven't.
* In ''[[Young Avengers|Avengers: The Children's Crusade]]'', Speed uses his super-speed to vibrate his teammates out of a building through the wall. The experience is apparently... [[Vomit Discretion Shot|unpleasant]].
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Happens to everyone the first time Aiko teleports them in ''[[Desperately Seeking Ranma]]'', then goes away and never bothers them again -- at least until she tries to teleport to and from the Moon, at which point a worse case afflicts them, again just once.