The Amazing World of Gumball/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** In the latter half of Season 2 his [[Only Sane Man]] status is becoming the more distinct of them all.
* [[Detachment Combat]]: Without the combat though, but Gumball seems to be able to function perfectly whenever a body part gains autonomy.
* [[Determinator]]: In "The Third", he rides a tricycle for 140 kilometers, flies down a hill so fast he catches on fire, and gets covered in quick drying cement (which he promptly breaks through) just to prove that he and Darwin are still friends.
** He's determined to repay his debt to Mr. Robinson for "saving his life" (which he just stopped his car because Gumball thought he was gonna get "run over").
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: In "The Banana", when he decides to get back at Banana for chewing on Darwin's pen. Subverted, when he finds out what Banana accidentally did to Darwin's stuff. Then he starts to realize that this is is getting out of hand, but Darwin takes a far more step. In the end, a "huge" fight goes on between the three of them and it turns out {{spoiler|the chewed pen was actually Gumball's and he actually chews on it all the time.}}
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* [[Verbal Tic]]: He tends to squeak, usually when he's yelling.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Spiders?]]: "AHHH, spider! Knock his block off!"
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: He displays this in "The helmetHelmet".
=== Darwin Watterson ===
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* [[Happily Adopted]]: Darwin's treated like as much of a member of the family as Gumball is.
** Although legally he's still registered as a pet.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: When taken over by Jealousy in "The Flower", he's the only one with no spite or envy of anyone else, instead just stating he's "actually quite happy with my life".
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: He prefers the term "Animal Companion".
* [[Keet]]
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=== Richard Watterson ===
{{quote| Gumball's father and Nicole's rabbit husband. Richard is very immature for his age and hates to have any sort of responsibility. He is also quite lackadaisical and sleeps frequently. As a result, Nicole is usually forced to be the parent to their children.}}
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: Richard practically ''lives'' this trope.
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parent]]: In "The Hero", Gumball and Darwin fail to come up with something good for their dad and settles on embarassing moments. Unknown to them at the time, Richard overhears the conversation and leaves depressed.
* [[Ax-Crazy]]: In "The Prank", after the kids prank him one too many times, he goes completely psycho with [[Slasher Smile]] chasing them all over the house. It turns out that making them think he went insane was his way of pranking them.
* [[Badass Mustache]]: Which he can grow and retract back into his face at will.
* [[Big Eater]]
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* [[Bumbling Dad]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He has his odd moments.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: He can be very crafty when he wants to, such as tricking Gumball and Darwin into doing his chores in '"The Laziest'".
* [[Dismotivation]]
* [[Everythings Better With Bunnies]]
* [[The Ditz]]: It's easier to count examples of when he doesn't act like one.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: He follows his GPS without ever paying attention to the road, including the direction he's facing. When he was high on anesthetics he crashed in several cars and parked in a swimming pool which Gumball considered an ''improvement''.
* [[Doting Parent]]: Shown in "The Hero".
* [[Fan Disservice]]: Whenever he's shirtless.
* [[Fat Idiot]] and [[Fat Slob]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: His laziness and stupidity is the result of his mother completely sheltering him his entire life and never letting him learn to do anything for himself. His mother's parenting style was to make him (and as she tried with her grandkids), scared of everything.
* [[House Husband]]: Though he doesn't do much house work either
* [[Genius Ditz]]: He's surprisingly great at pizza delivery, of all things. {{spoiler|Both doing actual work and not being incompetent is so out of character that it nearly destroys the universe through sheer wrongness.}}
* [[House Husband]]: Though he doesn't do much house work either. When he finally gets a job, {{spoiler|it nearly destroys the Universe.}}
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: With Nicole.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Nicole.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Gets away with his actions in "The Prank" and "The Laziest", and lets his sons take the fall.
* [[Laborious Laziness]]: Richard is a master at this.
* [[Lazy Bum]]: Laziest man in Elmore since 1983.
* [[Man Child]]: He literally acts the exact same way as he did when he was a kid.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Feminine Boy to Nicole's Masculine Girl.
* [[Moral Myopia]]: He's repeatedly expressed that bad things are only funny when they happen to someone else.
* [[One of the Kids]]: Much to his wife's frustration.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: In "The Hero".
* [[The Prankster]]: In "The Prank".
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: Prone to this.
* [[The Slacker]]: A rare version of one that has children.
** [[SleepyheadLazy Husband]]
* [[Sleepyhead]]: Most commonly seen sleeping on the couch.
* [[Stout Strength]]: Apparently has this in "The Remote" when he effortlessly rips the car door off to get to Nicole.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Thanks to his mom.
* [[Trademark Favourite Food]]: Sausages, [ apparently].
* [[Tuckerization]]: Named after Ben Bocquelet's father.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Honestly speaking, he's kinda cute actually (he's a bunny, after all).
* [[Wacky Parent, Serious Child]]: The wacky parent to Anais' serious child.
* [[Walking Techbane]]: Judging from how automatic doors, elevators, and self-checkout scanners treat him.