The Anatomy of a Fall

Revision as of 05:00, 26 April 2019 by SelfCloak (talk | contribs)

The Anatomy of a Fall is a novel-length Real Person Fic by Novembersmith about the epic high school paranormal romance of Gerard Way and Frank Iero.

It primarily uses characters from band My Chemical Romance, as well as secondary characters from bands Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco, and a number of OCs. Author's summary says "The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand."

The work can be found at Archive of Our Own.

Tropes used in The Anatomy of a Fall include:
  • High School AU: Gerard is in his last year of High School, and Frank died in his last year.
  • Lemon: Contains two instances of underage M/M sex. Underage ghost sex.
  • May-December Romance and Mayfly-December Romance: Frank is significantly (ten years, approximately) older than Gerard, though with the appearance of being the same age. Being a ghost his "life"span is implied to be much longer than that of a human.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They can even smoke.
  • The Reveal: It takes a while for Gee to figure out that Frankie isn't exactly a normal High School Student
  • Slash: The main pairing is Frank/Gerard, with other peripheral slash pairings.
  • Sadist Teacher: Gym teacher Mark Sikowski really, really doesn't like Gerard, and really, really didn't like Frank either. Gerards attitudes toward many of the other teachers are also generally unsympathetic.