The BOTS Master: Difference between revisions

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Notable for being one of the few western shows about mecha not coming from Japan. The show was really intended to be [[Merchandise-Driven]] due to its 3-D gimmick. Whenever the show would enter a mecha battle, someone would shout out "Laser Time!" Signaling the viewer to put on 3-D glasses that you could only get by buying one of the toys. However the toyline failed and became one of the reasons [[Too Good to Last|the series didn't last longer]].
=== ''[[The BOTS Master]]'' contains examples of: ===
* [[Action Duo]]: Ziv and Blitzy, although usually not until things are completely FUBAR.
* [[Action Girl]]: Blitzy, albeit as a back-line commander rather than the front-line attacker ZZ tends to act as. But what did you expect from someone with a name like that?