• When Alfred sees Dracula's withered head.

Alfred: I'll be sweeping that into the dust pan, sir.

  • The Joker to Batman, after being bitten by Dracula and turned himself.

Joker: You're the second batman I've met tonight, and you're both a pain in the neck.

  • The Joker again, now a vampire and starved of blood.

Joker: I thought you cared!
Batman: Believe me, Joker, I'm trying to help you.
Joker: Then FEED ME!!!

    • The part that really sells it is when he spies a cockroach, and gobbles it up,

Joker: Got ketchup?

  • Penguin, when he's not Getting Crap Past the Radar he's a total Butt Monkey. Such as his reaction to seeing hundreds of crosses in the cemetery. Meaning the treasure he’s looking for could be ANYWHERE.
  • This exchange between Dracula and the Penguin:

Penguin: GAAH! Dead guys don't do that!
Dracula: Not dead, undead!
Penguin: I think I need to unwet my pants.

  • When the Joker first comes upon Dracula's casket:

Joker: That's one old-looking coffin.
(Opens up the coffin and sees Dracula's body)
Joker: That's one good-looking corpse.
(Dracula's eyes suddenly snap open)
Joker: (Screams Like a Little Girl)