The Darkness (video game): Difference between revisions

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** [[Unskippable|"And that was the fifth time I died."]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]: By carrying out his vengeance, Jackie sacrifices his soul to the Darkness. Exactly what this entails, however, isn't quite clear. You are not given the option to spare Paulie.}}
* [[Banned in China|Banned in Singapore]]
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: About a hair's breadth away from a [[Downer Ending]]. {{spoiler|Jackie finally surrenders himself to the Darkness during an eclipse in order to take out Paulie and his army of mooks. Jackie's personality is consumed entirely by the Darkness, but he's given a few moments to see Jenny one last time before he goes. It's implied by the "light in the darkness" lines that it may not be completely over for him, either... [[Hope Spot|hopefully]].}}
** However, according to the sequel's intro, Jackie has managed to suppress The Darkness in-between games.
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{{quote| '''The Darkness''': "Jackie, I fixed your broken head ball."}}
** Hell, the Darkness expected him to be pleased after it forced him to {{spoiler|[[Forced to Watch|watch Jenny be murdered]]}} because this would "make him stronger" and it seemed utterly bewildered when he chose instead {{spoiler|to kill himself}}.
* [[Black and Black Morality]]: Johnny lampshades this in the [ Vendettas trailer]. Jackie might have the moral highgroundhigh ground, but that's damning with praise considering some of the stuff he does and the company he keeps.
{{quote| '''Johnny:''' ''Evil is '''evil'''. Face it, we're not talking about soda pop here. There's no 'sugar free' option.''}}
* [[Border Patrol]]: By all means, head directly into the subway tunnels. [[Too Dumb to Live|See what happens]].
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* [[Boring Yet Practical]]: The pistols have pin-point accuracy even when fired as fast as possible, and you're tripping over spares for most of the game. Zoom in, aim for the head, and you can take out a bunch of enemies while saving energy you would have otherwise used on a black hole.
** The first Darkness power, Creeping Dark, can move further with each level, and the NPCs are notoriously incapable of hitting it. Furthermore, after making a kill you can eat the heart of your victim to refill Darkness energy to full. This combination makes it possible to clear entire rooms without entering them through most of the game.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: All four of the darklings in the game have their idiosyncraciesidiosyncrasies, but the Berserker darkling is particularly unhinged. Even better, it's voiced by [[Richard Horvitz]].
{{quote| "'''I LIKE PENGUINS!'''"}}
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: At one point in the game, Shrote captures Jackie and tortures him by taking a power drill to his face; [[Nightmare Fuel|this scene is shot from Jackie's POV.]]
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* [[Downer Ending]]: {{spoiler|Both games end very, ''very'' badly for Jackie.}}
* [[Easter Egg]]: Unlockable concept art and full issues of the comic.
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: Of a kind: In the last stage of the game, Jackie mounts a one-man offensive against Uncle Paulie's island fortress. The attack begins at daylight, which would seem to be a stupid move on his part... except that an eclipse is due and as it progresses Jackie's power spikes. LightbulbsLight bulbs start shattering ''by his mere presence.''
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Jackie and the old-school mobsters really hate partnering with dirty cops, drug money, and other bottom-of-the-barrel underworld stuff.
** The old-school mobsters are particularly disgusted when Paulie bombs an orphanage, while at the same time you can overhear Paulie's minions laughing about it.
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* [[Hell Is War]]: The Otherworld in the first game is a nightmarish, unending version of [[World War I]] that Anthony Estacado is stuck in.
* [[Hollywood Darkness]]: Averted in the first game; areas without light can go completely pitch-black (but using your powers lets you see in the dark.) Played straight in the sequel; "dark" areas are so well-lit it's sometimes hard to figure out where the lights are at a glance.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: It is implied that the Darkness [[Dark Is Not Evil|wasn't originally evil]], but having to deal with human hosts for milleniamillennia (what with their wars, and greed and sickness) [[Humanity Is Insane|has driven it insane]]. [[Unreliable Expositor|Though this is learned in the Darkness' own realm, so it could be just another]] [[Mind Screw]] on its part...
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Jackie does not reload his pistols or SMGs. He drops them and pulls out new ones. This is shown when you notice different types of pistols in his hands, or when one of your SMGs suddenly has a silencer. This trope is played straight when you realize that each "clip" in your arsenal is actually a different ''gun'', and you can hold more than 2 dozen pistols and SMGs ''in your coat''.
** Then again, it's most likely justified here, as Jackie may well be keeping the Darkness under his coat, providing him with an actual pocket dimension to store said guns.