The Destroyer: Difference between revisions

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** And, should CURE ever disband, Smith via suicide pill and Remo via Chiun. Presumably, death wouldn't improve Chiun's ability to keep a secret.
*** Smith puts up with Chiun's loose mouth for two reasons - one, there is literally nothing available to Smith that can possibly kill Chiun (even Remo can't do it, and wouldn't be willing to even if he could), and two, Chiun's understanding of the situation is a tad skewed from what's really going on and so he doesn't actually know enough to spill CURE's beans.
*** Given that Chiun is officially on record as a psychiatric patient at Folcroft Asylum and that he ''genuinely believes'' that Harold W. Smith is the Mad Emperor Smith, secret ruler of the United States from his throne of secrets and lies ('it's brilliant! no one can ever revolt against you if they do not know that they have an emperor!') and that this whole 'democracy' thing is a sham, its pretty obvious why Smith feels no worry at the thought of Chiun telling anybody anything. Not only will no one believe him, even if they do believe him they're still chasing down a blind alley.
* [[Long Running Book Series]]: Hundreds of books...
* [[Lurker]]: Dr. Smith and later Mark Howard.