The Dog Was the Mastermind: Difference between revisions

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** This is something of a reoccuring theme among Spider-Man villains. The original Green Goblin was eventually revealed to be [[Norman Osborn]], the father of his best friend (this being long before Norman established himself as the Lex Luthor of the Marvel Universe). The Jackal, better known as the villain who set up the [[Clone Saga]], was Peter's nerdy science professor. The Hobgoblin, a villain modeled after the Green Goblin, had a two-for-one deal. He was originally revealed to be a Daily Bugle reporter and longtime minor supporting cast member Ned Leeds until a [[Retcon]] explained that he was yet another minor supporting character who had since faded into near-obscurity.
** One particularly jarring example involves Spider-Man searching for the murderer of a scientist who had created a crime cataloguing supercomputer. {{spoiler|The culprit is none of the three suspects, ''but the computer itself.''}}
** Spider-Man's daughter runs into this in ''[[Spider-Girl]]'' #24. After suspecting [[Iron Fist|Danny Rand]], then his wayward star pupil of being the new bad guy martial artist robbing banks. That neither of the two is the new bad guy is well foreshadowed, Danny is still Danny and the pupil casually mentions (not as a reason he didn't do it) that he makes 15 million (in 2000s money), so the reader will realize he isn't robbing banks. Upon disabling the guy Spider-Girl notes "Who'd have figured Dragon would turn out to be some nameless assistant?"
* ''[[Asterix]]'': The [[Man Behind the Man|villain behind the sickle-trafficking gang]] in Asterix's second album, "Asterix and the Golden Sickle": [[Chekhov's Gunman|He appeared time and again before the reveal?]] Check. Was he [[Beneath Suspicion]]? Check. [[The Reveal|It is a surprise both to the heroes and the audience?]] Check. [[Inherent in the System|Does it make sense with the general theme of that album?]] You bet, because this is the only way the not so bright members of the sickle-trafficking gang could get away with an operation like this for so much time.
* In the third ever [[Justice Society of America]] story in ''All Star Comics'' #5, the JSA bust up a series of rackets headed by a mysterious figure known as Mr X. At the end of the story, an innocuous milquetoast who had appeared in each of the individual chapters turns up the police station. It turns out he is really Mr X and now, with all of his rackets smashed, he intends to turn himself in and live off the state in prison.
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* An [[Anti-Hero]] version of this trope happened in ''[[Watchmen]]''. Rorschach's identity was mostly a secret until it is revealed he was {{spoiler|that random homeless guy that was always hanging out in the background.}}
* This happens ''twice'' in [[52]]. The first time is a huge early reveal that {{spoiler|the time issues going on are the work of Skeets, Booster Gold's sidekick. Oh, and he kills Booster.}} In the very last issues {{spoiler|after Booster is revealed to be alive due to time travel tricks, it's discovered that Skeets is possessed by Mister Mind.}} Said villain had only appeared in a few panels without ever saying a word in the early issues.
== Fanfiction ==