The Dresden Fillies/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* Dresden seeing Twilight Sparkle's treehouse/library for the first time and wondering if he's becoming a [[Pyromaniac]] because he can totally see it going up in flames.
* Pinkie [[Stealth Hi Bye|appearing out of nowhere]] and scaring the hell out of Harry.
{{quote| ''How the hell did she sneak up on me?''}}
** [[Physical God|Luna]] doing the same thing.
* Pinkie asking Harry if he's a [[Double Entendre|'stallion.']] In Equestria, of course, it just means "Are you male or female?" On Earth, [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|however...]]
* Harry [[Troll|trolling]] Rainbow Dash.
{{quote| [[It Amused Me|"You mad, pony?"]]}}
* {{spoiler|Celestia finding out exactly how Harry used the Elements of Harmony to destroy the Nightmare.}} '''"HE DID ''WHAT?!''"'''
* Harry and Bob discussing the last time Bob was let out of his skull:
{{quote| [[Noodle Incident|"Everyone at that sorority was a consenting adult and the alcohol was just as much to blame as I was."]]}}
* The reason Harry hasn't told Murphy or anybody else [[And Zoidberg|(except Bob)]] about the ponies and Equestria is because if he did, the info could get out and the place could be invaded by Lord knows what. [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|It has absolutely nothing to do with]] the fact that he's close friends with a group of painfully adorable, technicolor talking ponies and he'll thank you to not question his masculinity.