The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Difference between revisions

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** The giant slaughterfish, who shows up in one of the dungeons you explore in the Thieves Guild questline, but chances are you won't ever see this one if you don't fully explore the place.
** There's also the Uderfrykte Matron at Dive Rock.
* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory]]: quite a few of the [[DLCDownloadable Content|DLCs]]s are borderline cheat mods. (A quick and easy way of curing vampirism, a garden that supplies almost every rare ingredient, etc...)
* [[Bring Help Back]]: You can do this by getting reinforcements from the other cities when Bruma is besieged by a Great Gate (but only after you close the gates threatening ''their'' cities, naturally). It's an optional quest, though, so you can just [[One-Man Army|do it all yourself]] instead, if you prefer.
* [[Bring It]]: Attempt to/Fight an ogre with your bare hands and it may make this gesture.
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* [[Kill'Em All]]: There are lots of scripted NPC deaths in the game. Let's leave it at that.
** Played straight in the Who Dun It quest.
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: Optional for the player, but not profitable unless you either a.) join the Thieves Guild, b) have the Thieves' Den [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] installed and have bought yourself the fence at Dunbarrow Cove, or c.) use stolen ingredients to manufacture potions.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Jyggalag and his Forces of Order.
* [[In-Game Novel]]: Tons. Most of them aren't full length novels, but some are.
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** The game's own tips suggest killing your own summoned creatures to trap their souls for enchanting.
** In the "Shivering Isles" add-on, the paranoid duchess of a city gives you the task to uncover a conspiracy against her, bestows the title of "Grand Inquisitor" upon you, and lends you her torturer. Then you can either take a direct route to find the conspirators... or let your tourturer zap annoying NPCs.
** In the Vile Lair [[Downloadable Content|DLC]], you can buy the Cattle Cell, which contains an unwakable, unkillable prisoner meant as a food source for those who become vampires, but is more useful for target practice.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|Kalthar}} in the Mages Guild questline.
* [[Violation of Common Sense]]: Oh so much.