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* The EOD aspects of this trope are currently being automated in the form of the [[Pack Bot]], of iRobot (creators of the Roomba) fame. The robots save so many soldiers' lives that they're treated as squadmates and have been on occasion ''mourned'' by their squad when destroyed by bombs. Apparently, there's nothing so terribly heartbreaking as seeing a hulking soldier crying over shreds of a robot, asking if it can be repaired.
* Mickey Marcus was a US Army officer that took service with the IDF in the 1948 war. When the roads to Jerusalem were blocked he made a whole new road to bring supplies.
* The Dutch Wars of Independance had a vague resemblance to [[World War I]] with their labyrinthine fortifications and dominance of high amounts of firepower. Except they went on for generations. Engineers and artillery were the premier arms of the war.