The Engineer: Difference between revisions

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* In [[Knights of the Old Republic]], T3-M4. And Bao-dur in the sequel. Bao-Dur in the second [[Knights of the Old Republic]] is a Tech Specialist (a class unique to him). His hit points aren't great, but he gets insane bonuses to his technical stats, making him very useful for slicing, droid repair, and most anything that isn't brawling or bluff. {{spoiler|It's almost not worth it to cross-class him.}}
* ''[[Makai Kingdom]]'' has Mechanics as a class of [[Player Mooks]]. They're the ones who patch up your vehicles between battles, though you'll need [[Mad Scientist|Professors]] to improve them. Oh, and they can do field repairs with giant wrenches.
* ''[[Sly Cooper]]'''s Bentley. In the first game he is mainly much needed Support, but in the second and particularly the third he outfits himself with some sleep darts and explosives and heads out into the field, proving himself to be truly badass in Combat as well.
* Party member [[Wrench Wench|Tali]] from ''[[Mass Effect]]'' is acknowledged to be a mechanical and programming/hacking genius, even landing the job of Chief Engineer on the ship in the second game. [[Player Character|Shepard's]] class can also be engineer, giving you numerous technical skills, though you still mostly use them to blow stuff up. There are 2 main indicators which show just how brilliant Tali is at her job:
** The first, Tali is one of the best engineers from her species. Her race, the quarians, are considered the most expert of all the species in the game at engineering. It's their biggest [[Planet of Hats|hat]], which they need it to cover the baldness of their rickety, jury-rigged antique space vessels.