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* The Fair Folk (appropriately enough) of the tabletop RPG ''[[Exalted]]'', who are [[Cosmic Horror|shapeless chaotic beings]] who feed off of the emotions of mortals, often leaving them zombified husks. They don't typically have driving motivations so much as drives they adopt because they seem dramatically appropriate, and would like to see Creation as a whole dissolve into the Wyld because the very concept of something operating by logic disgusts them.
** Well, not always. Quite a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|fair]] amount of them have moved into Creation, losing the "shapeless" part. God help you if you find one of [[Cosmic Horror|the]] [[Eldritch Abomination|Unshaped...]]. There's a certain pathos to these; they're still scary monsters from the perspective of Creation, but to themselves they're magnificent nobility stranded on the edges of an alien world who cannot return home (since scarier things await them...)
* The Elves in [[Banestorm]] are amiable but shy folk who hide in the wilderness but are sometimes friendly enough to humans despite their encroachments. The closest thing to Fair Folk mentioned are the Dark Elves which are a cult of elf mages that tried to make a spell casting the enemies of the elves from the world and ended up bringing humans in. It does not take much to see memories of the fair folk as distorted tales left by all the disappearances.
* ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]'' paints Fairies as powerful incomprehensible alien entities that regularly abduct humans and take them off to their homeland, where they are [[Involuntary Transformation|warped]] to fit their masters' perceptions of them. The Changelings of the title are humans who've managed to escape back to Earth, but who've been [[What Have I Become?|changed]] by their time in the world of the Faerie and are trying to avoid their former captors at all costs. Notably, ''Changeling'' also directly correlates the modern concept of [[Alien Abduction]] with the Fae, explicitly invoking such standbys as lights in the sky, strange experiments, and Keepers taking the form of [[Little Green Men]] or [[The Greys]] in a number of places.
** It is explained later that the True Fae need conflict to prevent themselves fading away into the random background chaos of Arcadia. As a result, [[Foe Yay|the closest thing they have to friends among other Fae are their sworn enemies, as by fighting they're keeping each other alive]]. They can also be inanimate objects (Props), legions of lesser beings (Wisp), and entire self-enclosed universes (Realms) in addition to their normal forms (Actors). With enough Titles, they can do the aforementioned simultaneously!