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{{quote|''"You know what? You lose me straight away when your movie's protagonist is named 'Zap Rowsdower'. The second I hear him identified as 'Zap Rowsdower' I am squeezing past you and climbing over your legs and muttering "excuse me" and I am getting the hell out of the movie. Only this time I couldn't because I was at work and I'm hourly and I had used up all my vacation and sick time. How about Plink Holmgren? Or Pow Flowhauer?"''|'''Mary Jo Pehl'''}}
''The Final Sacrifice'' is a noble but doomed attempt to film an old-fashioned adventure film in rural Canada with [[No Budget|an ultra-low budget]] (around $1500) and an inexperienced cast and director. It is best known from [[Mystery Science Theater 3000/Recap/S09 /E10 The Final Sacrifice|its appearance]] on ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]''.
Ruled by the evil Satoris, an ancient cult of [[Mooks|Canadian wrestlers]] is bent on world domination. Instrumental to their plan is a map to the ancient [[Precursors|Ziox]] cult idol, recently discovered by a young boy, Troy McGreggor. When the cult [[Call to Adventure|invades his home to recover the map]], he flees and ends up in the bed of a passing pickup truck, driven by the film's [[Designated Hero]]--a burly, surly Randy Bachman-lookalike hilariously named [[Awesome McCoolname|Zap Rowsdower]]. At first Rowsdower considers turning Troy over to the police, but after Troy helps him to fix his broken-down truck and Rowsdower helps Troy escape from the cult leaders again, he decides to let Troy stay with him. Rowsdower and Troy become friends and together search for the [[MacGuffin|lost idol]] before the cult can claim it and take over the world.
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* [[The Hero]]: It's debatable who's the hero here. The insufferable, useless wimp or the doughy, unlikeable asshole, hmm...
** Rowsdower does way more heroic stuff than Troy; it's even debatable as to whether Troy was responsible for setting right what went wrong.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: During his final confrontation with Satoris (who's wielding a torch), Rowsdower uses a grappling hook. No not on a rope. There just happened to be an abandoned grappling hook nearby, which Rowsdower uses as a cudgel.
** Meanwhile Troy, in what is probably his first and only useful act, picks up the perfectly serviceable ''rifle'' from the exact same area.
* [[Inherently Funny Words]]: '''Rowsdower!'''
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* [[You Killed My Father]]: Troy is led to believe that Rowsdower killed his father and loses faith in him. Eventually it's revealed that Rowsdower actually tried to prevent the death. Of course, since Satoris would have given the order, he's still the figure that gets the lion's share of the blame anyway.
* [[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him]]: Satoris, after initially subduing Rowsdower and keeping him at bay by having every one of his goons pointing rifles at him...asks two of his minions to leave and kill him, thus providing Rowsdower with plenty of opportunity to escape. As opposed to just shooting him *right there* when he was helpless.
** Particularly heinous in that Satoris tells the minions, "Take him out to the woods and kill him." Telling them this as they're holding him right there in the middle of the woods, and no reason whatsoever that the spot they were at was any worse to execute someone than another patch of woods 100 yards west.
[[The Stinger|Rowsdower!]]