• The scene at the airport where Numspa attempts to have Jarrell arrested. Say what you like about the rest of the movie but that bit is damn funny.

Jarrell: *speaks in a goofy accent* My brother has forgiven me!

  • The scene wherein Jarrell tries to sneak into a place via a shortcut through a suburban backyard and suddenly finds himself awkwardly facing the family who lives there in mid-cookout. "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten anyone. I just...I just want some chips. I just want some chips." (pointing gun) "Turn that over, man, it's burning! It's burning, turn it over!"
  • Jarrell makes a scary noise upon entering the maze.

Jarrell: It's a piece of cake! Oooooeeeeeoooooohh!

  • Jarrell calls Kee Nang "Agent 69".
  • The Golden Child makes friends with one of the really dumb bad guy by bringing a soda can to life, and having it do a little dance number.