The Good Wife: Difference between revisions

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=== This show contains examples of: ===
* [[Actor Allusion]]: When Fred Thompson guest starred in one episode, his client referred to him as [[Law and Order|The DA]] as he played one on TV and his character referred to actually passing the Bar before going to acting, [[wikipedia:Fred Thompson#Career as an attorney|which Fred Thompson actually did]].
* [[Adult Fear]]: When Alicia can't find Grace? And realizes that her daughter called her twelve times? And her daughter isn't answering her phone? And one of the messages has a man telling her daughter to get in the car in the background? ''God,'' yes. Terrifying.
* [[Amoral Attorney]]: As the trope's page says, the majority of all lawyers are amoral where their clients' best interests are concerned. The closest people to the definition of the trope would be Glenn Childs and Patti Nyholm.