The Guardians: Difference between revisions

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* [[Flight]] - Guardians have [[Winged Humanoid|wings]] and many demonic creatures have a winged form as well.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]] - Subverted; when the Guardians are adjusting to their new powers and senses, they're encouraged to get it all out of their system. One novice spent 30 years having orgies before he finally grew bored of it. Even mature Guardians aren't above a little [[Power Perversion Potential]].
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]] - Demons have batlike wings, while Guardians have white feathery wings. Only Michael has black feathery wings {{spoiler|one of the signs he wasn't born human, but half-human and half-demon}}.
* [[The Grovel]] - In ''Demon Blood'', {{spoiler|Deacon kneels before Rosalie and offers her his services and anything he owns if she will just give him a second chance to prove his worth to her. The fact that he's willing to offer convince Rosalie he's changed.}}
* [[Hammerspace]] - Guardians and demons have "caches" to which they can vanish and retrieve items. Younger Guardians that grew up playing videogames actually call it a hammerspace.
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* [[Living Lie Detector]] - Hugh strove his life to be honest and now gained the Gift of detecting truth and even forcing it from someone. After he Falls, he has a milder version that only can detect truth and not compel it.
* [[Loophole Abuse]] - There ain't no rule that a Guardian can't become human, exercise human rights, and become a Guardian again. {{spoiler|And they gain a second Gift upon their second self-sacrifice, which is why Michael has so many Gifts.}}
* [[Magically -Binding Contract]] - How bargains and wagers are enforced. If they are broken, that person or demon is damned to eternal torment.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]] - The form demons take to live among humans and tempt them into evil; at least one is a US Senator. Subverted when the Guardians can't find a demon and later realize it's taken the form of a ''[[Double Standard|woman]]'' [[Always Male|of wealth and taste]].
* [[New Meat]] - Any novice Guardian. Jake's role as the [[New Meat]] is one of the subplots of ''Demon Night''.
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