The Guild: Difference between revisions

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* [[Actor Allusion]]: In 3.5 ''Application'd'', Zaboo can be seen wearing a [ ''Legend of Neil'' shirt]. ''[[The Legend of Neil]]'' is another web series, created by Zaboo's actor, Sandeep Parikh. There are at least two ''[[Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog|Dr. Horrible]]'' references: Riley calling Zaboo "Bad Horse," and Codex putting up her fists while referring to "hammers." Also, Codex owns a frozen yogurt maker; in the musical, froyo was an important symbol for Penny and Billy's relationship.
* [[A Darker Me]]: Online, Bladezz is an obnoxious [[Troll]] who likes to make perverted comments and act like he's cool and edgy. In person, he lives with his parents, can't drive, and gets beat up by his little sister. Though, in a departure from the stereotype you'd expect, he's young and attractive (in a pretty, Hanson-esque way), so much that his mother made him do some embarrassing modeling photos to pay for college. Also Valkyrie, an Axis member, who tries to act uber-tough in an online chat with the Knights of Good only to be interrupted by his boss. Valkyrie tries to defuse his boss's suspicions he was internet surfing, which quickly degenerates into a conversation about how a client's damask came back coral instead of lavender as she'd requested.
** To be fair, Bladezz isn't the stereotypical "30-year-old living in his parents' basement" gamer, he lives with his parents because he's in high school and is under-aged.
* [[Alliterative Name]]: Vork's real name, Herman Holden. Also, Wade Wei.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Averted/Subverted. Season four is all about Codex trying to deal with her {{spoiler|one night stand with Fawkes. Despite her misgivings about Fawkes, Codex decides to pursue a relationship with him to save face from the Guild thinking she's a slut. Since Fawkes isn't interested in actually dating her, he goes along with pretending to date her [[It Amused Me|for the fun and chaos]]. But when he realizes he really does like Codex she rejects him for treating her poorly, and Codex discovers she has a crush on [[Dogged Nice Guy]] Zaboo.}}
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* [[Beneath the Mask]]: Zaboo's [[Halo|Master Chiefs]] are revealed at the end to be [[Samus Is a Girl|really hot chicks]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't ever presume that you're Fawkes' equal. Bruiser seems to share this: when Bladezz claims to be his equal, he responds "Your dick could fit in my ''ear canal''!" And back in Episode 10, Codex decides that the Guild should take on Zaboo's mom on the grounds that "she called me homely."
** And don't ever call Tink a Taint behind her back. Calling her a Taint to her face seems to be okay though.
** Vork also has a few, including not tampering with his network connection ("BLAAAADDEEEEZZZ!!") and not reconfiguring his hotkeys.
* [[Big No]]: Zaboo at the end of Wit's End, Clara at the end of the Season 2 pilot.
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* [[Break the Haughty]]: What happens to Tinkerballa at the end of Season 2, and to Bladezz in Season 3 courtesy of the Axis of Anarchy.
* [[Call Back]]: In season 2, Codex threatens to hang herself with an Ethernet cord to stop her therapist from hanging up on her. Zaboo actually attempted this method in season 1.
* [[The Cameo]]: dozens in Season 5
* [[The Cast Showoff]]: Felicia's fond of writing actors' talents into the script. Bladezz is a talented card dealer because actor Vincent knows sleight-of-hand card tricks, Codex plays the violin as does Felicia Day, Tink plays basketball, and Amy Okuda shows off her dancing skills in the music videos. Also stuntman Wade Wei was played by an actual stuntman who did his own stuntwork.
* [[Character Blog]]: Codex's video blog serves as a framing device for each episode. Additionally, [ Vork has a Twitter]. It's [[Rule of Funny|hilarious]].
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* [[Fake-Out Make-Out]]: Tink asks a drunk Codex to pretend to kiss her to obscure her face from {{spoiler|her sisters}} at the Con.
{{quote|'''Tink:''' I said 'pretend to kiss me' you perv!}}
* [[Five-Bad Band]]: In season three, the Knights of Good meet a [[The Rival|rival]] guild, the Axis of Anarchy, composed of what seems to be a Five Bad ''[[Five-Token Band|Token]]'' Band.
** [[Big Bad]]: Fawkes
** [[The Dragon]]: Venom
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** In "Newbtastic", when the Guild members are gaming, behind Zaboo you can see Riley, in the distance, doing pull-ups.
** In "The Return", Zaboo's game "Sir Loopalot" makes noises corresponding to the dialogue.
** The cleaning lady walking in during Codex' vlog post.
{{quote|My vagina was practically in my hand! ([[Beat]]) Can we have some more towels, please?}}
* [[Geek]]: Pretty much the entire cast.
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*** In season 5, {{spoiler|Codex tries to confess to him, only for him to play the [[Just Friends]] card}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: The Axis' campaign of terror on Bladezz, who after all is just a high school kid. Made worse by the fact that Venom is a teacher and Bruiser is a cop, people who are supposed to stop this sort of thing.
* [[Ladykiller in Love]]: Fawkes's feelings for Codex.
* [[Leet Lingo]]: Constantly.
* [[Liz Lemon Job]]: Codex in Season 3, rather unsuccessfully.
* [[Loan Shark]]: Vork becomes one in Season 4.
* [[Make-Out Kids]]: Zaboo and Riley at the beginning of Season 3.
* [[Man Hug]]: Averted in the season three finale {{spoiler|when Bladezz and Bruiser make up.}}
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** Codex all the time. Due to her being played by [[Felicia Day]]
* [[My Beloved Smother]]: Zaboo's mom.
* [[National Stereotypes]]: Mocked with Kwan, a Korean professional gamer with a gigantic ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' poster on his wall.
* [[Next Thing They Knew]]: The season 3 finale.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Vork doesn't think of himself as a bad man... well, there was that night he spent at a Hitler Youth Camp by accident...
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* [[Oblivious to Love]]: {{spoiler|Zaboo}} in Season 5.
* [[One of Us]]: [[Felicia Day]] definitely knows what she's writing about. Even people who don't play games but spend a lot of time online will recognize the character types.
** And do we even need to talk about [[Wil Wheaton]] and his massive geekitude?
* [[Online Alias]]: ''Everyone''.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Codex or Bladezz, depending on the situation.
** Also, Vork is the only one who stands up to Cheesybeard's cheese gouging.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Bladezz is prone to this, he had a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment in season 1 and seemed to be genuinely trying to bond with the guys in season 2.
** Tink seems to have a tiny, tiny soft spot for Codex, such as when she defends her from Zaboo's mom with "Lay off our healer, she's [[Squishy Wizard|squishy]]". She also tried to help Codex land a man in season 2, and even though she claimed it was for her own amusement, she did cancel a date and put a lot of effort into it. Also, her [[Heel Face Turn]] at the end of Season 3.
* [[Please Put Some Clothes On]]: Vork to Codex, [[Played for Laughs]] since she's actually "decent" at the time.
* [[Post Modernism]] - the song [ Do you wanna date my avatar]
* [[Portmanteau Couple Name]]: Zaboo [[In-Universe|makes one for Codex and Fawkes]]:
{{quote|"I'm in support. Put me on team Codex/Fawkes. Team [[Accidental Innuendo|Cawkes!]] I'm thinking about making T-shirts."}}
* [[Power Walk]]: Parodied in the Season 2 episode "Socializing Sucks." Likewise in Season 3, episode 10.
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* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: One scene in season 5 has Tink cosplaying in a mascot outfit... of herself.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: Genderflipp'd with Codex and Zaboo.
* [[Ship Tease]]: "Game On" is a ''big'' one for the Codex/Zaboo ship.
** Followed by {{spoiler|[[Ship Sinking]]}} in season 5
* [[Shout-Out]]: In season three, episode four:
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* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: ''[[Exaggerated Trope|Zaboo, Zaboo, Zaboo]]''. He tracked down where Codex lived, Photoshopped himself with her DMV photo, and found her house's floor plan, among ''many'' other things.
** "You laminated my cycle?!"
** He eventually tones it down to [[Dogged Nice Guy]], then eventually to [[Just Friends]]. {{spoiler|then Codex discovers she likes him...}}
* [[Still the Leader]]: Vork, after abdicating his leadership.
* [[Social Services Does Not Exist]]: Stay-at-home mom Clara generally ignores her children, didn't even notice when her babysitter quit, and at one point hands them off to Tinkerballa who ''locks them in a pet carrier''. Nobody apart from Codex seems particularly horrified by any of this.
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* [[Terrible Interviewees Montage]]: When the Knights of Good try to replace Tink.
* [[The Alleged Car]]: Vork's campervan.
* [[The Don]]: In season 5 Zaboo's seat saving scheme gives him a lot of power at the convention and by episode 7 he is seen stroking a toy cat while {{spoiler|[[Neil Gaiman]]}} is asking him for a favour. Later he is seen having his goons beat up {{spoiler|Kevin Sorbo}} in order to get front row seats at his panel.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Codex's therapist dumps her. And later, blocks her calls. Considering just how relentlessly Codex resists any attempt to make her face the world and deal with her problems, it's hard to blame her therapist for [[Know When to Fold'Em|Knowing When To Fold'Em]]. Therapists need to protect their ''own'' sanity too, after all.
* [[Three Minutes of Writhing]]: "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar", though it's pretty obviously a parody of this type of thing. That doesn't stop it from being really freaking ''hot''. [[Felicia Day]] does a cute, awkward little smile in the very last second of the video that suggests she wasn't quite comfortable with being [[Ms. Fanservice]].
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* [[Unperson]] At the end of season 2 {{spoiler|Bladezz deletes Tinks character Tinkerballa, removing permanently from existence her gold, reputation and "two years of [her] life". She even phrases it as "I don't exist anymore"}}
* [[Unrequited Love Switcheroo]]: Near the end of season 4, {{spoiler|Fawkes, who has spent the entire season telling Codex he doesn't do "dating" approaches Codex for a second chance. She (rightfully) doesn't give him one. Time will tell if this goes anywhere or if its just a bit of [[Ironic Justice]].}}
** Given that he shows up in Season 5 {{spoiler|trying to join the Knights of Good}}, it is possible the shoe is on the other foot
** May also occur in season 4 with {{spoiler|Zaboo and Codex. Although Zaboo's attempted romance with Riley was a transparent ploy to get over his [[All Love Is Unrequited|unrequited feelings for Codex]] and his [[Just Friends]] gambit was overloaded with sexual tension on his part he seems to have finally (mostly) gotten over by the end of season 4, noting how he doesn't feel good that Codex and Fawkes aren't dating but merely bad for her (though this could be [[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]). Afterward, he helps (quixotically) tries to help her gambit to keep her job at Cheesy Beard's, gets Codex a new computer after her season long attempt to fix her old one, and stands up to his mother while simultaneously giving her a chance to turn over a new leaf. All of these raise him ''substantially'' on Codex's newly derived "litmus test" for boyfriends, much to Codex's anxiety and Zaboo's seeming obliviousness.}}
** As of Season 5, this is officially the case between Codex and Zaboo.
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** She was pretty eager to keep Zaboo and stunt guy fighting to give her a sense of self-worth. Zaboo did start it, and it ended up biting her in the ass almost immediately, but it was still pretty iffy considering how badly Zaboo could have gotten hurt.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: Codex and Zaboo.
** Fawkes and Codex of all people seem headed in this direction.
** Codex eventually {{spoiler|has her fill of Fawkes, and now is discovering she's got a crush on Zaboo}}
* [[You Got Guts]]: Wade Wei praises Zaboo for this after Zaboo challenges him to a fight and holds himself respectably well considering Wade is a professional stuntman and Zaboo is probably the loosest possible definition of 'in shape'.
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