The Last Spartan/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* On Therum, when the squad realizes their less than judicious use of a mining laser has triggered an eruption...
{{quote| '''Garrus''': Wait, volcanic eruption? You mean, we've been in a ''volcano'' this entire time?<br />
'''Liara''': Yes. You didn't know?<br />
'''N'tho''': ''(sheepish)'' Yeah...the ruins here are in a once-dormant, now not-so-dormant volcano. Probably should've mentioned that earlier. My bad.<br />
[[Beat]]<br />
'''Wrex''': [[Tranquil Fury|If I die in here, I'll kill you.]] }}
* N'tho singing [ The SMG Song] during the raid on Sharjila.
* On the Presidium, Chief sees a drone/bugger/Yanme'e delivering pizza. The last time he encountered these creatures, he was [[Goddamned Bats|dodging wave after wave of plasma, needler rounds, and grenades]]... and now, [[Mundane Utility|they're delivering pizza]].
* Cortana's response when {{spoiler|Garrus sees through her charade of pretending to be a VI by pointing out he recognizes her from documentaries on the Human-Covenant War}}.
{{quote| '''Cortana''': Damn you, History Channel!}}
** For that matter, Garrus asking The Chief {{spoiler|about Cortana's [[Ms. Fanservice|appearance]].}}
{{quote| '''Garrus''': {{spoiler|"I mean, did she COME that way or did you [[Covert Pervert|customize her to look like that yourself?]]"}}}}
* When first visiting the Citadel, Chief sees an ad for Old Spice; specifically, [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like]]. The commercial is done by an Elite. Cortanas comments on it ([[Distracted by the Sexy|and lack thereof]]) are ''priceless''.
* The method Chief uses to deal with the infamous reporter.
* Any of the [[Smash Cut|Smash Cuts]].
{{quote| '''Chief:''' ''*after he scolded Tali for unauthorized use of the budget*'' "She'll get over it. In fact, she's probably forgotten all about it by now."<br />
''(cut to Tali in the shooting gallery)''<br />
'''Tali:''' [[Catharsis Factor|"STUPID!" *BLAM!* "ARMOR-HEADED!" *BLAM!* "INSENSITIVE!" *BLAM!* "SEVEN-FOOT!" *BLAM!* "BOSH'TET!" *BLAM!* *BLAM!* *BLAM!*]] }}
* ''[[Show Within a Show|My Life with Bipbap]]''