The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Doesn't fit the bill for Hype Backlash: it's generally a very popular game and even somewhat of a sacred cow with its small amount of detractors criticizing the direction it's taking the series as opposed to claiming that it's overhyped.)
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* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: After all the hype he gets as being the greatest threat Hyrule has ever faced, Calamity Ganon just doesn't live up to it. Usually. {{spoiler|Calamity Ganon is, on paper, a powerful foe worthy of being the final boss, at least at first. But if you play the game as recommended: freeing the Divine Beasts and Champions from Ganon's control and getting the Master Sword, you end up with a final boss that's weak to your overpowered unbreakable weapon, at the mercy of your hilariously overpowered Champion abilities, and missing half his health thanks to the Divine Beasts' laser bombardments}}. But he at least puts up a fight, which ''can not'' be said about {{spoiler|Dark Beast Ganon}}. {{spoiler|Don't get hyped when you're forced to fight a rampaging Godzilla-sized boar across the entirety of Hyrule itself on horseback: he's ridiculously slow, and his sole attack isn't even sort of a threat and will never hit you unless you intentionally let it.}}
* [[Awesome Bosses]]: {{spoiler| [[Warrior Monk|Monk Maz Koshia]], the [[Final Boss]] of the [[Bonus Boss|Champions Ballad DLC]]. Yeah, first of all, the very revelation that you have to fight a Sheikah monk hits most players as a shock, as most of them do nothing except sit in their Shrines and give Link instructions on how to complete their Trials. Then you find out [[Badass Grandpa|just what this guy is capable of]]. In effect, he is a [[Final Exam Boss]], his attacks and abilities reminiscent of other enemies you fought previously, including the Yiga Footsoldiers, Yiga Blademasters, Thunderblight Ganon, Master Kohga, Hinoxes, and the Guardians, but also has a few tricks of his own like creating multiple copies of himself. If you truly want a challenge, this is the guy.}}
* [[Base Breaker]]: Princess Zelda is popular among some circles for being hot[[Moe|adorable]], and[[Baby Got Back|having onea hellnice butt]], and being one of athe most tragic backstoryversions of the character, but other people simply find her whiny and dull, with her voice going hand-in-hand with the annoying factor. Her serving as the last line of defense against Calamity Ganon for over a hundred years has also won over fans for being a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], but to others it just feels like a dolled-up version of her usual [[Damsel in Distress]] treatment.
** Ask any Zelda fan what they think of Revali, and you'll probably get an equal amount of responses along the lines of "Oh my god, I love that guy!" and "Oh my god, fuck that guy!". To his fans, his cold, aloof, and downright ''mean'' demeanor make him a breath of fresh air compared to the other Champions, and his grudging respect towards Link that builds up while you explore Vah Medoh is a nice bit of character development. But people who hate him simply find him to be too mean to like, making him come across as a total asshole who some argue ''had his death coming to him''.
** Is Calamity Ganon's status as an [[Eldritch Abomination]] force of nature a cool new take on the franchise's oldest foe, or does it ''rob'' him of his cool factor? These detractors tend to prefer Ganon as a properly sentient [[Chessmaster]] and view the Calamity as just a mindless monstrosity that may as well have been its own thing, and his [[Anticlimax Boss]] status doesn't help.
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** After you've beaten Master Kohga, you'll be randomly ambushed by Yiga Clan assassins all over the map. At this point they won't be a threat, but it's still annoying having them pop up and break the flow of whatever you're doing. Especially if you're attacked by a Blademaster, because they're a lot more aggressive and take a lot of punishment before going down.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: The Yiga Clan are already firmly on the side of the [[Eldritch Abomination]] threatening to lay Hyrule to waste, but they truly cross the line with {{spoiler|the murder of Dorian's wife when he had enough of them and left.}}
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: "Yahaha!" - said by the Koroks when you find one. All ''900'' of them. It's supposed to be cute, but boy does it get repetitive.
** "Ehehehe!" - Yiga assassins when they ambush you, which is all the damn time once you've defeated Master Kohga.
** You will learn to absolutely HATE the sound of rain, because that's the game's way of saying "Whoops! No climbing for you!"
** The frantic piano when you're spotted by a Guardian is normally scary, but once you've gotten used to them it's annoying to hear this tune cut into Hyrule Castle's epic theme, or to have it interrupt the game's beautiful scenery because one happened to get a glimpse at your ear.
** Get caught while sneaking up on a monster camp, and you'll feel like an idiot once the scouts alert everyone by constantly blowing on their stupid little horns.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Magda, aka the "crazy flower lady". Quite a lot of [[Memetic Mutation]] with her [ like this one.]
** {{spoiler|Fi's voice-only appearance in the final flashback is brief, but incredibly memorable for its poignance despite her divisive reputation from her home game.}}
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** The enemy variety, or lack thereof, can be disappointing because in a mere hour or so in a game that can take hundreds to do everything in, you're likely to see every one type of every species there is. And not only is it repetitive, but it can be an active detriment to immersion since you'll be seeing them in every environment instead of ones they'd make sense to be fought in.
* [[Take That, Scrappy!]]: The unlockable Tingle outfit added as part of the game's DLC comes off as a walking middle finger to the controversial [[Manchild]]. Its defense is terrible, its ability is situational to the point of near-uselessness, and to top it off, wearing it will freak out everyone you talk to.
* [[That One Attack]]: Pick a lightning attack. Any lightning attack. It doesn't matter if they're Shock Arrows, lightning blasts, or anything else that's electric, it always sucks to be hit by one because you'll often take a huge amount of damage, drop your weapon, and will be temporarily stunned on top of that. Unsurprisingly, electric enemies tend to be the game's biggest [[Demonic Spiders]], while the lightning-slinging Thunderblight Ganon and Shock Arrow-shooting Lynels are among the most difficult boss fights in the game. On the flipside, lightning attacks are just as devastating in ''your'' hands which makes this something of a double-edged sword for them like it does with you.
* [[That One Boss]]: Thunderblight Ganon for being way faster than the other Blight Ganons and for having an arsenal of hated electric attacks to throw at you. And the longer you put off fighting it, the stronger it gets with each Blight Ganon's death.
** Lynels really blur the line between [[Demonic Spiders]] and this trope, because while they're technically enemies, they have boss-level health and are a hell of a lot tougher than the game's actual bosses thanks to that bulk, their speed, and their monstrous attack power.