The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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== U ==
* [[Underground Monkey]]: Like in the previous game, several enemies have elemental variants encountered in certain regions. And if you want to get cheeky about it, the newly introduced Horriblins are literal examples of this trope given that they're monkey-like Blins mostly encountered in caves.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: Link's bizarre and fantastic powers bestowed to him by Rauru don't attract any sort of reaction from people. The most you get are people being startled if you use Ascend to pop out of the ground right next to them, and even then it's only if you're within spitting distance: they wouldn't care otherwise.
== V ==
* [[Vehicular Assault]]: {{spoiler|During his first boss fight, Master Kohga will try to run you over with a ''giant truck'' that he's constructed.}} Likewise, you can create your own cars and monster trucks to flatten enemies with.
* [[Victory Fakeout]]: While most Blessing shrines are a straight shot to the statues of Rauru and Sonia at the end, there's one exception to the rule: the Unlit Blessing shrine. The path to the statues is suddenly cut off until you solve a quick puzzle.
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]:
** Like in the previous game, you can hang out with monsters when you wear the appropriate masks and give them food instead of killing or otherwise hurting them. There's no real benefit to doing so, but to some, getting to mingle among [[Ugly Cute]] monsters and see a friendlier (or at least, less aggressive) side to them is its own reward.
** Again, you can help out at Ms. Ashai's Voe and You classes and help her students learn how to properly interact with men. However, {{spoiler|since Link is allowed to visit Gerudo Town without having to crossdress, he gives them proper hands-on experience with talking to men which is a far bigger help than theoretical lessons can be.}}
** Unique to this game is Addison and his signs. All across Hyrule you can see him struggling to keep signs of President Hudson standing up straight, and you can use your Fuse ability to create structures that will help give them the proper support needed to keep them erect. While his rewards are minimal to outright useless, it feels nice to lighten the guy's load all the same.
** If you aren't a [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|sadistic monster who enjoys tormenting them]], acting as a Taxi service to the backpack-wearing Koroks who need to reach their friends can be this.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]:
** Related to the above? While it's nice and beneficial to help Koroks trying to reach their friends' campsites, it's even more fun to create elaborate torture devices to torment them with. Crucifying them, spit-roasting them over open flames, drowning them, and wrecklessly swinging them around on deadly carnival rides gives you the same reaction: a pained "Oof!" that really makes the little guys feel like victims of cartoonish slapstick violence.
** A non-violent example would be {{spoiler|wearing the full Yiga outfit around the Sheikah and Gerudo, who have their own reasons to hate them. They always react with disgust or annoyance, and doing so in Gerudo Town will get you thrown in jail until you take it off}}.