The Lord of the Rings/Tropes A-L: Difference between revisions

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::'''Tropes from [[The Lord of the Rings]] (the book)'''
::[[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes D-F|Tropes D-F]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes G-I|Tropes G-I]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes J-L|Tropes J-L]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes M-O|Tropes M-O]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes P-R|Tropes P-R]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes S-U|Tropes S-U]] -- [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Tropes V-Z|Tropes V-Z]]
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* [[Artifact of Doom]]: Again, the Ring.
* [[Asleep for Days]]: Frodo does this in Rivendell after being near-fatally wounded by the Nazgûl. It happens again to both him and Sam after getting rescued from Mount Doom, due to their near starving, wounded state.
* [[Attack of the Fifty50 Foot Whatever]]: The Mumakil, enormous elephant-like beasts.
* [[Attack of the Monster Appendage]]: The Watcher in the Water.
* [[Author Avatar]]: Faramir, whom Tolkien considered himself to be most like out of all the characters. An early version of him explained in depth about the Elves.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Théoden is King of Rohan and pretty handy with a sword as well, Aragorn is Chieftain of the Dunedain and {{spoiler|King of Gondor}} and hacks his way through a whole mess of orcs and Uruk-hai.
** Gil-Galad. Last High King of the Elves, was described as an unmatched fighter/leader and [[Taking You Withwith Me|died taking Sauron with him]] (who may have been barely weaker than Morgoth at the time).
** [[Like Father, Like Son|Elendil and Isildur]].
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: Aragorn at the end.
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* [[Babies Ever After]]: Sam marries his longtime sweetheart the year after the end of War, and the next year sees the birth of little Elanor. He goes on to have twelve more, although, as the epilogue was cut, this is revealed in the Appendices instead of in the narrative.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: {{spoiler|Gandalf}}
* [[Backstory]]: Plenty of it, as found in ''[[The Hobbit (Literaturenovel)|The Hobbit]]'', ''[[The Silmarillion (Literature)|The Silmarillion]]'', ''[[Unfinished TalesofTales Numenorof Númenor and Middleearth (Literature)Middle-earth|Unfinished Talesof Numenor and Middleearth]]'' and ''[[The Children of Hurin (Literature)Húrin|The Children of Hurin]]''.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: The Hobbits probably count.
* [[Badass Boast]]: Éowyn's is probably the most famous, but Frodo's to the Nazgûl at the ford also counts.
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** The Rohirrim might count, too - their enemies, the men of Dunland, certainly do.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Gandalf used one of these to [[We Need a Distraction|distract]] Sauron from the true location of the One Ring, convincing him that the Free People were planning to use it against him. Of course, the whole thing was [[We Need a Diversion|a diversion]] to allow the Hobbits to [[Walk Into Mordor|enter Mordor]] [[Right Under Their Noses|unnoticed]].
* [[Battle Butler]]: Sam is described as the "batman" (no, not ''that'' [[Batman]]) to Frodo's inexperienced [[An Officer and Aa Gentleman|high-born WWI officer]].
* [[Bearer of Bad News]]: Gandalf has quite a reputation for this in many places. The Rohirrim don't like him much because of it -- they call him Stormcrow.
** They probably like Shadowfax a whole lot more, just for [[Cool Horse|being Shadowfax]].
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* [[Binding Ancient Treaty]]: Gondor has one of these with Rohan, leading to a great [[Gondor Calls for Aid|call for aid]].
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Most of the [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Names]]. Generally speaking, the rest have translations given.
** For instance, "Gamling" is Swedish for "old man". A [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|fitting name]], considering the character is, well, an old man.
** Tolkien loved to do this, especially with the Rohirrim. For instance, Theoden's name is an Old English word for "king". Meduseld, the name of Edoras' central mead-hall, means.... [[Shaped Like Itself|"mead-hall."]]
*** In fact, if you look at the lineage of Rohan in the appendices, ''all'' the rulers, from Eorl to Eomer, have names that are Old English words or epithets for "king" or "nobleman".
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* [[BLAM Episode]]: Tom Bombadil.
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]]: The infamous Swedish [ translation].
** Amusing, Gandalf's mistranslation of the inscription over the Doors of Durin. It's supposed to be [[Speak Friend and Enter|"Say 'friend' and enter"!]] instead of "Speak, friend, and then enter". [[Wanton Cruelty to Thethe Common Comma|Commas are very important]].
* [[Blunt Yes]]
{{quote| '''Faramir:''' You wish now that our places had been exchanged, that I had died and Boromir had lived.<br />
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** On the other hand, Frodo finds that his sight (in the dark) and hearing are improved after he has been stabbed with the Morgul blade, an evil weapon.
* [[Boring Return Journey]]: Traveling is a lot easier when you aren't being pursued by Sauron's servants.
* [[Born in Thethe Saddle]]: An unusually civilised version in Rohan.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Frodo mainly, but Sam to a lesser extent.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: Saruman.
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* [[Bulletproof Vest]]: Frodo's mithril chainmail shirt.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: The passing of the Three rings and their bearers. This is played most straightly with Gandalf, who was meant to serve as [[The Paragon|a paragon]] in Middle-Earth.
* [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp]]: Pipe-weed, Oliphaunts/Mûmakil (Oliphaunt is an archaic English usage - so not really a Smeerp)
** Also, the Oliphaunts are said to be precursors to modern elephants, so it makes sense to call them something else.
* [[Call Back]]: The Battle of the Black Gates has one to "The Hobbit", with Pippin hearing the shout of "The Eagles! The Eagles are coming!" In a parallel with the Battle of the Five Armies as well, {{spoiler|Pippin is knocked unconscious immediately after hearing it, as Bilbo was just after saying it. He doesn't even believe that he actually heard the cry, since he thinks 'That came in his [Bilbo's] tale, long long ago.'}}
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* [[Capital City]]: Minas Tirith
** Subverted in that Osgiliath was the actual capital of Gondor and Minas Tirith was originally the westernmost military fort. Denethor wastes a lot of resources trying to keep Osgiliath, although not because it was the former capital, but as a front line against Mordor at the easiest place to cross the Anduin.
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: The [[The Undead|Nazgûl]], and [[Giant Spider|Shelob]]. Unlike [[Eldritch Abomination|her mother Ungoliant]], Shelob's [[Weakened Byby the Light]] but does not ''actively consume'' light to weave her [[Dark Is Evil|webs of shadow]].
** There is a moment where Frodo and Sam pass by Shelob's actual lair and can feel or see nothing but the stench of her lair, which is suggested to be even blacker than the pitch black around it, as if inhabited by the actual absence of light. A very effective case of [[Nothing Is Scarier]], since you don't know if she's home or not.
* [[The Cavalry]]: The Riders of Rohan {{spoiler|and Aragorn, Rangers of Eriador and troops from southern Gondor}}. They are also, literally, the cavalry. On the evil side, the Haradrim.
* [[Cavalry Betrayal]]: Inverted. The fleet of ships of the Corsairs of Umbar, allies of Sauron, arrive at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields to the rejoicing of his armies... only Aragorn had intercepted and captured it, and the ships are flying the royal colours and filled with soldiers from southern Gondor.
* [[Cave Behind the Falls]]: Henneth Annûn.
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: [[Discussed Trope|discussed]] by the author [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|Tolkien]] himself in his ''Letters''. The book started out as a ''shorter sequel'' to ''[[The Hobbit]]'' and the earlier chapters display much of the whimsy of the latter. Gandalf's personality also gets [[Darker and Edgier]] as time goes on. Less surprising when recalling that the ''Hobbit'''s story was moved to Middle-earth, and its previously existing tales had already been even darker.
* [[Character Title]]: "[[The Lord of the Rings]]" is none other than Sauron, the main antagonist. "The Fellowship of the Ring" refers to the nine protagonists in the Fellowship, and "The Return of the King" to Aragorn.
* [[Charm Person]]: Saruman, until the heroes break free of it.
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* [[Chess Motifs]]: See previous entry.
** Pippin refers to himself as a pawn, but "on the wrong chessboard."
* [[Children Are Innocent]]: Theoden manages to break free of Saruman's [[Most Wonderful Sound|charming voice]] because of the dead children (and the [[Due to Thethe Dead|mutilation of a corpse]]).
* [[The Chosen One]]: Frodo (and Bilbo) were ''meant'' to have the Ring. Also, Aragorn is Isildur's heir.
* [[Chronoscope]]: The Mirror of Galadriel can show visions of the past and the future. Sam sees events that will occur in The Two Towers during his and Frodo's entry into Mordor, as well as events in the Shire after Saruman takes over. Frodo sees the fall of Numenor and the founding of Gondor, which occurred in the distant past.
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* [[Color-Coded Wizardry]]: Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown. There's also the Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando, but they [[All There in the Manual|do not appear in any stories]]; we're told that they went far into the east and were never seen in the West of Middle-earth again, and no-one there knows precisely what they got up to.
** When Saruman reveals his plans to Gandalf he declares that he is no longer the White but now [[All Your Colors Combined|Saruman of Many Colors]]. [ Gandalf is not impressed.]
* [[Come Withwith Me If You Want to Live]]: Aragorn gets introduced this way in Bree, albeit in a particularly slow-moving fashion. While it's implied the hobbits would have been quickly ambushed in their beds without him, they do spend some time gathering supplies prior to departure. This is more pronounced in the film, however.
* [[Come to Gawk]]: Saruman's accusation, when found on the road.
* [[Common Tongue]]: The [[Trope Namer]], although only half an example; Common is the language of any culture descended from Gondor, but all species have multiple languages.
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** Without Isildur's fall to the corruption of the Ring, it would not have survived Sauron's fall. The race of Men in general are often seen as easily corrupted.
** And then there's Gollum...
* [[Cosmic Horror Story]]: In the backstory, the Dwarves [[Dug Too Deep]] and connected with the tunnels of [[Eldritch Abomination|"nameless things"]] which are older than Sauron, where the Balrog was hiding; later Gandalf falls into their territory via the abyss below Durin's Bridge, and says that he will [[Nothing Is Scarier|not speak of]] [[Take Our Word for It|what he saw there]]. Tolkien may have had a passing familiarity with [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]]...
{{quote| '''Gandalf:''' Far, far down below the deepest delvings of the dwarves, the earth is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he.}}
** The Balrog tries to run off and leave him there, and chasing after him becomes Gandalf's hope of finding a way out.
* [[Cosmopolitan Council]]: The Council of Elrond. Possibly also The White Council -- which we know included Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel and Celeborn, and Elrond.
* [[Courtly Love]]: Gimli and Galadriel.
* [[Cowboy Bebop Atat His Computer]]: Inflicted on the series by the Writer's Almanac.
* [[Creator Backlash]]: Hippies buying the [ Ballantine edition] is what popularized the book in [[The Sixties]] <ref>Frodo Lives! Gandalf for President!</ref> (see [[Memetic Mutation]]), and the back cover contains its own bit of [[Creator Backlash]] in the form of a written [[Take That]], directed against the numerous unauthorized pulp versions that were spreading like wildfire on college campuses: "This edition, and no other, was authorized by me... those who approve of courtesy (at least) to living authors will purchase it, and no other." as Tolkien was, in fact, quite unsettled to learn that American counter-culture was embracing his work.
** To their credit, the college students mounted a campaign of protest against the unauthorized editions after Tolkien made a point of mentioning, in his responses to fan mail, that he was being royally ripped off by the pulp publishers and did not receive a single cent in royalties from any American LOTR paperbacks other than the Ballantine edition. (Ace Books, the main offender among the pulp bootleggers, were harassed sufficiently by angry fans that they made a point of paying a massive royalty check to Tolkien and withdrawing their edition of ''LOTR'' from print.)