The Lord of the Rings (film)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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These are the [[Loads and Loads of Characters]] in [[Peter Jackson]]'s ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|The Lord of the Rings]]'' film trilogy.
For the original versions in [[The Lord of the Rings|the book]] by [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]], see [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)/Characters|here]]. For characters in ''[[The Hobbit]]'', go [[The Hobbit (Literaturenovel)/Characters|here.]]
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* [[Robe and Wizard Hat]]: One of the most memorable.
* [[The Strategist]]
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: He and the Balrog both die in their fight, [[Only Mostly Dead|but only he returns to life.]]
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Staff and Sword.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: [[Trope Namer]]
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* [[Bishounen]]: In the movie, oh so '''very''' much.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Blue Oni]]: In the Peter Jackson film.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: "A diversion." [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname|So Named]] in ''Legolas: The Very Special Diaries'', thus becoming [[Trope Codifier]].
* [[Elves vs. Dwarves]]: Averted, eventually.
* [[The Fair Folk]]
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* [[Battle Cry]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Asas Yourself]]}}
* [[Foil]]: To Denethor. Where Denethor went mad from grief from Boromir's death, Theoden managed to pull himself out of his despair and find the courage to save the day. He's also a lot more noble than the more devious Denethor.
* [[He's Back]]
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** [[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu]]: She literally broke her arm in the struggle, but she also nearly died from contact with the Witch King.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Go Through Me]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]]
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Loving a Shadow]]: Aragorn's response to her is the [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Sanity Slippage]]
* [[Self-Immolation]]
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]
* [[24-Hour Armor]]: Seen as a symbol of his stubbornness and pride, but also redeeming values thereof.
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* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: She gives up her immortality to stay with Aragorn, but it's indicated that he eventually dies, and she follows him not long afterward.
* [[Composite Character]]: Takes over Glorfindel's role as the Elf who takes Frodo to Rivendell, and some aspects of Luthien.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Heroic Lineage]]
* [[Hero's Muse]]: She functions in this role for Aragorn: the driving force behind his striving to regain his crown is his love for Arwen and the fact that he can only marry her once he is king.
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* [[Good Counterpart]]
* [[The Lady's Favour]]: Three [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|golden hairs]] from her head. Which is more than [[Ubermensch|Feanor]] got, [[Take That|incidentally]]...
** [[It May Help You Onon Your Quest]]
* [[Large Ham]]: "You offer it to me freely? I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this... {{spoiler|In place of a dark lord you would have a QUEEN! NOT DARK, BUT BEAUTIFUL, AND TERRIBLE AS THE DAWN! TREACHEROUS AS THE SEA! STRONGER THAN THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH! ALL SHALL LOVE ME, AND DESPAIR!"}}
* [[Leave Your Quest Test]]
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* [[Sanity Slippage]]
* [[Serkis Folk]]: [[Trope Codifier]] (in the Jackson-films)
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: "Even Gollum may have something yet to do..."
* [[Split Personality]]
* [[Starring Special Effects]]
* [[Sympathetic Murderer]]
* [[Sympathy for Thethe Devil]]: And how.
* [[This Is Your Brain Onon Evil]]
* [[Trademark Favourite Food]]: Fisssh.
* [[Tragic Villain]]
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* [[Heroic Neutral]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]
* [[Overly Long Name]]: His real name is the story of his life, according to him. Like most Ents, he is therefore [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname|Only Known By His Nickname]].
* [[Plant Person]]
* [[Time Abyss]]: Perhaps the third-oldest physical creature ([[Our Angels Are Different|Maiar]] don't count) in Middle-Earth. Cirdan, having awoken with the first generation of Elves at Cuivienen way back in the [[The Time of Myths|Years of the Trees]], is older still, and Tom Bombadil is older than the world.
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* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: "Sauron" is Quenya for "abomination". His less-often-seen Sindarin name, Gorthaur, means "terrible dread".
* [[Obviously Evil]]
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: He never engages anyone in physical battle after his previous defeat. Though this isn't to say that he's inactive. His Eye is always on the move, as are his servants.
* [[Out-Gambitted]]: He Out Gambits everyone, and then is in turn [[Out-Gambitted]] by Gandalf. See [[Unwitting Pawn]] below.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|Red Eye Take Warning]]
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* [[Invisibility Cloak]]: Wearing the Ring makes you invisible in the normal world, but you become visible in the Wraith-World, where you can be seen by Sauron and his Ringwraiths.
* [[Lust Object]]
* [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]]
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]
* [[Ring of Power]]: THE Ring of Power.
* [[Soul Jar]]
* [[This Is Your Brain Onon Evil]]: Several people have compared its effects to those of drug addiction.
== Saruman ([[Christopher Lee]]) ==
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* [[Compelling Voice]]: Especially when played by [[Christopher Lee]].
** [[Most Wonderful Sound]]
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Gandalf. He even says that he is what Saruman should have been.
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
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* [[Prophecy Twist]]
* [[The Undead]]
* [[Weakened Byby the Light]]
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Sunlight, fire, non-men.
* [[Was Once a Man]]
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* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: Pretty much his whole "negotiation" with Gandalf.
* [[Mouth of Sauron]]: [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Oh Crap]]: When Gandalf rejects his terms, he starts raving, but when the other representatives of the Free Folk give him a [[Death Glare]], he turns tail and rides breakneck back to the Morannon. In the extended cut of the film, he taunts Aragorn [[Off Withwith His Head|and is swiftly decapitated.]]
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]
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** The book emphasizes that unlike dragons, Shelob has no weak spots save for her eyes. Sam is only able to pierce her skin and tissue because she unwittingly slams on his blade with her own, massive strength.
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: Like her mother, she weaves webs of unlight that are perceptible to the Hobbits.
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: Sauron treats her as his pet. Shelob doesn't care.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: In spider-form, but an abomination nonetheless.
* [[Eye Scream]]: Sam stabs her in one eye with Sting during their fight.
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* [[The Voiceless]]: The fact that she was able to work out a deal with Gollum implies she ''can'' speak, but she never does during her appearance in the text.
** Or just that she understands speech, and relented her attack when Gollum begged for his life and promised to bring her tasty things to eat.
* [[Weakened Byby the Light]]
== The Balrog ==
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* [[Large and In Charge]]: Much larger than the orcs and trolls in Moria, and they seem to be almost as afraid of him as the Fellowship is. In the [[Peter Jackson]] films, Durin's Bane is nearly twenty feet tall.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: A lot of the people will remember the scene where Gandalf sacrifices himself in order to save the Fellowship from the beast.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: The movie makes it looks like he's literally a demon of flame.
** And [[Casting a Shadow|shadow]].
* [[Rasputinian Death]]: Falls down a deep pit along with Gandalf, as they try to stab one another as they plummet down to the bottom. Once they land, they are immediately submerged, carried down the stream presumably, until they reached the base of a mountain, climb the [[Endless Corridor|Endless Stair]] to the peak of Celebdil, where they fought until Gandalf manages to pierce its heart, causing it to fall down to its death.