The Lord of the Rings (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[Onrushing Army]]: The orcs ''love'' to charge. As do any humans fighting with them. Aragorn and his army do it too at the climax of ''Return Of The King''.
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: Sauron is a rather less sketchy figure than in the novels; he is instead a ''literal'' flaming eye, on top of Barad-Dur. Peter Jackson originally planned for Sauron to [[One-Winged Angel|take physical form]] in the battle in front of the Black Gate, but thankfully thought better of it.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: A very odd instance of this trope, as Andy Serkis plays Gollum in all three films, but the CG model used for the first film has quite a different face from that used in the other two. As Gollum is only seen in long shots (and very dark lighting) in the first film, it's not glaringly obvious, but it is noticeable.
* [[The Other Marty]]: Stuart Townsend was cast as Aragorn, but was replaced by Viggo Mortensen a few days before filming supposedly for [[Word of God|being too young]].
* [[Parental Marriage Veto]]: Emphasized a lot more in the films with Elrond's outright disapproval of Aragorn's and Arwen's relationship. In the book he is saddened, but gives the conditions not out of spite but to provide the best for his daughter.
* [[Parenthetical Swearing]]: Gandalf manages to make the word "Steward" sound... like something it's not.