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{{quote| ''"By God, [[The Kirk|Jim]]! You can't seriously be considering this! [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right|Screw the]] [[Alien Non-Interference Clause|Prime Directive]], [[No Time to Explain|there's no time for debate!]] We have to act now to [[Save the Princess|rescue the]] [[High Priestess|high priestess]]; [[Friend or Idol Decision|forget]] the [[MacGuffin]] and think about doing what's'' right!}}
{{quote| ''"What's that, [[The Spock|Spock]]? '[[Straw Vulcan|Logic]]?' If we listened to your cold reasoning, you'd have us look for that stupid [[Cosmic Keystone]] while innocent people suffer! [[Emotions vs. Stoicism|The greater good]]? Better in the long run? [[Always Chaotic Evil|The Klingons]] will kill us in five minutes if we go to rescue the high priestess unprepared? Dammit man, dare we call ourselves [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|human]] if we'' don't?! ''[[Insult Backfire|What do you mean 'Thank you?]]'''"}}
[[The McCoy]] is part of a [[Freudian Trio]] along with [[The Kirk]] and [[The Spock]]. Where the former is rational and [[Take a Third Option|intuitive]], and the latter is [[The Stoic|cold]] and logical, [[The McCoy]] is [[Hot Blooded|emotional]] and [[The Heart|humanistic]]. He cares about others deeply; for him doing the right thing is not a question of convenience or moral relativity, but about the concrete reality ''right now''. Which is to say, someone like [[The Kirk]] cares about saving people; the McCoy cares about making things ''right''. This often leads the heroes into hot water as this concern for others blinds him to complications in the [[Moral Dilemma]] of the week and leads him to advocate (or take it upon himself to do) "the right thing", regardless of how disastrous it would be in the short or long run. In [[Sigmund Freud|Freudian]] psychology, this character represents the concept of [[The Id]].
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[[The McCoy]] is frequently a target for reminders about the [[Alien Non-Interference Clause|Prime Directive]], and one or more episodes might focus on how having his heart on his sleeve can actually cause [[The Caretaker|quite a bit of damage to the people he "helps" with the best of intentions.]]
The McCoy still functions as an admirable character, however, due to his absolute devotion to his Moral beliefs and his refusal to give in to what others may tell him. For him, there is no such thing as acceptable losses. And if you start claiming that [[We Have Reserves|numbers can be lost]] or that [[A Million Is a Statistic]], you can expect a thorough [[What the Hell, Hero?|chewing out for your coldness]]. In the McCoy's mind, every life matters and everyone deserves to be saved. While [[The Spock]] sees people as numbers in the greater picture, The McCoy sees people with real lives and emotions.
Also, [[The McCoy]] exists as a counterpart to [[The Spock]]. If they are the moral center of the team in general too, then they are [[The Heart]] as well. Likely to be the {{color|red|Red Oni}} in a [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] combination.
The McCoy is the [[Honor Before Reason]] [[Trope]] personified, and may occasionally be a [[Strawman Emotional]].
== Anime and Manga ==
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* In the ''[[Star Trek]]'' novel ''[[Star Trek Vulcans Forge]]'' Rabin(an earlier friend of [[The Spock|Spock's]]) is like this, though more [[Beware the Nice Ones|friendly]] and less crotchety then ...Mmm...the real [[The McCoy|McCoy]].
* Anne Shirley in [[Anne of Green Gables]]
* Matteo in ''[[Someone ElsesElse's War (Literature)|Someone Elses War]]''.