The Mighty Thor/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* During Walter Simonson's run, Beta Ray Bill showed up. In his backstory, he revealed that his race fled their home galaxy when a wave of demons began to threaten their entire species's survival, with Bill becoming their protector. Thor agrees to help him destroy the demons, in order to save the rest of Bill's race, and they track the demons to their source... ''Bill's home planet, converted into a [[Hell Gate]].'' Bill's reaction is as you expect:
{{quote| '''Beta Ray Bill:''' My home! My ''home!'' What have they '''''done''''' to you?}}
* Again with the Simonson run, at one point Thor gathers the warriors of Asgard for a raid into {{[[Hell |Hela's realm}}]] to reclaim falsely-taken mortal souls. This mission includes [[Worthy Opponent|his old enemy]], [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Skurge the Executioner]]. In the successful raid Thor is mutilated and the Executioner, who used to be [[Goldfish Poop Gang|an honorable and worthy opponent but has since become a joke]] discovers to his horror that on Ragnarok he will lead the evil dead of Hel to destroy Asgard. He destroys the ship Hela would have used and she, in a fury, sends all the hosts of Hel after them. Thor is willing to stay behind and sacrifice himself to defeat them. But then the Executioner knocks him out and explains to Balder the Brave:
{{quote| '''Executioner:''' All laugh at Skurge save you, Balder. And every time they do, I die a little inside. I think... maybe I am dead already. So it does not matter if I stand here and die. I ask you, give me this one last laugh.}}
And so Skurge makes an epically [[Badass]] [[Last Stand]] against Hela's hordes, killing them by the hundreds until finally, as we are told: