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Does sex just happen as naturally as breathing around you? When alone with a woman, is the next shot always of [[Dress Hits Floor|her dress hitting the floor]]? Did an [[Sexy Man, Instant Harem|instant harem]] appear at your house? Perhaps you have a [[Compelling Voice]], and take to its [[Power Perversion Potential|logical conclusion]]. You almost certainly make [[Bow Chicka Wow Wow]] music on the soundtrack when you walk down the street. People will look.
You, my friend, are [['''The Pornomancer]]'''. In pornographic movies, the characters usually don't ''earn'' their sexual conquests so much as ''receive'' them from some greater power... whether that power is in-universe magic or simply a godlike, but lazy, writer or director (or both). There wouldn't be much of a porn movie if the characters didn't have sex, and nobody involved, including most of the audience, cares whether the seduction would be plausible in the real world. So it isn't. Thus, in the grand tradition of [[A Wizard Did It|wizards who are helpful to lazy writers]], this field of study is known as [[Whatevermancy|"pornomancy."]]
Often pornomancers are a walking [[Deus Sex Machina]], but they can exist in more family-friendly works, such as [[The Casanova]] in a sit-com, or the [[Femme Fatale]] in a detective show. Pornomancy is often exhibited by [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]] and any other character so hot that they [[Even the Guys Want Him|engender attraction]] from [[Even the Girls Want Her|same-sex heterosexuals]].
[[Whatevermancy|Pornomancy]] is sometimes blatantly supernatural in a work, particularly in [[Hentai]], where powers are [[Power Perversion Potential|almost immediately used for their most sexual application]] upon being obtained or there's actually a loose [[Level Up At Intimacy 5|magical justification]] for [[More Friends, More Benefits|all that sexing]], but more often the cause of a character's ability to make respected citizens become slobbering sex maniacs is completely non-magical within the context of the show's universe: it simply starts off as an [[Informed Ability]] and everyone pretty much accepts it as a given (with the occasional [[Hand Wave]] when writers feel frisky). Even if the show has no established super-normal content, pornomancy is still possible through ''TV'' magic.
[['''The Pornomancer]]''' is a non-gendered trope often combined with [[Casanova]], [[Even the Guys Want Him]], [[Even the Girls Want Her]], [[The Vamp]], [[Femme Fatale]], [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]], and other tropes that take note of the tendency of characters in fiction to have <s> nigh</s> supernatural powers of getting laid. [[Kavorka Man]] would be a sub-trope; by definition his power over women is mysterious and ill-defined. In worlds where magic or its sci-fi equivalent exist, this is often related to [[Power Perversion Potential]].
Aversions of this trope occur when, for example, the [[Casanova]] "earns" the conquest plausibly to the viewers. Subversions take place when the [[Informed Ability]] turns out to be just that... for example, the [[Femme Fatale]]'s charms fail and she strikes out miserably; it's also a subversion when the person with said powers knows he or she ''can'' use them for sex, but doesn't.
It's also possible for a person to have this ability but not ''want'' to use it. If the Pornomancer is apathetic or even ''against'' his/her own abilities, they are an [[Accidental Pornomancer]].
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When used as a defined in-universe power, this is a subtrope of [[Whatevermancy]], but doesn't have to be. When it's just implied because the writers want a character to have improbable fornication skills, it is not.
{{noreallife|this is All The Tropes, not Tropes After Dark.}}
[[No Real Life Examples]], please.
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== Anime & Manga ==
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* Basically the entire concept of ''[[DNA 2]]'' with the ''Mega-Playboy'' having a Marvel-style mutant power (i.e. it naturally activates at puberty) to become such a perfect man that he can literally seduce ''any female'' (except his [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] who's immune to his charms since she's known him for so long) into falling head-over-heels in love with him with just by looking at them. That, and he also gains instant Saiyan-level combat prowess.
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Basically the entire concept of ''[[DNA 2²]]'' with the ''Mega-Playboy'' having a Marvel-style mutant power (i.e. it naturally activates at puberty) to become such a perfect man that he can literally seduce ''any female'' (except his [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] who's immune to his charms since she's known him for so long) into falling head-over-heels in love with him with just by looking at them. That, and he also gains instant Saiyan-level combat prowess.
* As mentioned, this is extremely common in [[Hentai]]; to the point that it's actually a slight subversion in ''Jiburiru'' when the title character needs to convince her boyfriend to have sex so she can ''[[Deus Sex Machina|charge up]]'' her [[Magic From Technology|magic robot powers]] to fight evil, as opposed to more typical hentai titles like ''La Blue Girl'', where rape, consensual sex, and pornomancy all get mashed together in one big naughty stew.
* In more mainstream [[Harem Anime]], the protagonist generally has this effect on the haremites... but this is generally [[Unwanted Harem|unintentional.]] A wild pornomancy talent, if you will. As an example, in ''[[Ai Yori Aoshi (Manga)|Ai Yori Aoshi]]'', the male lead is in a committed (if secret) relationship with [[First Girl Wins|the first girl]], but for some reason he attracts girls with a tendency to fall in love with him, appear half-dressed, and/or grope one another.
* Taken to an extreme in ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler (Manga)|Hayate the Combat Butler]]'''s [ recent chapter]. Hayate being a [[Chaste Hero]], he doesn't even ''realize'' he's doing it, though it is noticed by the other characters and one tries to follow his example to his love interest. It doesn't work.
* ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]'': Akio exhibits this trope. Touga as well, although he's not quite as skilled as Akio (and to be fair, Akio's pornomancy seems legitimately magical, whereas Touga is just suave).) {{spoiler|eventuallyEventually Touga decides to submit to Akio's power and become his herald / implied buttboy. Touga's best friend calls him out on it, and Touga admits that being around that much power feels just plain good.}} .
* ''[[My Balls]]'' has the demon sealed within Kohta's bollocks actually doing this to him. Most of it is justified in that the demons of hell are trying to make him ejaculate, so that the demon sealed in his balls will be freed. However, there's also a normal instance of this trope in Minayo, who has the worst timing EVER''ever'' in revealing that not only is she interested in the boy, but that she also becomes a raging nymphomaniac when [[BottleHard-Drinking FairyParty Girl|when drunk]].
* ''[[Irresponsible Captain Tylor]]'' has Tylor himself. After saving the ship as he always does by just being his [[Born Lucky|blissfully ignorant and incompetent self]], the other crew members give him a porno tape and wanted him to enjoy it for himself, but threatened him if they didn't get it back. Blissfully unaware that there is an alien princess hiding behind his bed (who honestly doesn't know anything about human relationships), Tylor puts in the tape, but keeps fumbling to turn it off as ''EVERY FEMALE ON THE SHIP'' comes to his door to express their sexual desires for him. [[Hilarity Ensues]]. On top of that, Tylor ended up joining the military to begin with because his ignorance ended up causing a [[Kiss Me, I'm Virtual|female COMPUTER''computer'' to confess her love for him]] in the first episode!
* Tamura Makoto of ''Boys Empire'' is this. In a sort-of subversion, he doesn't think it's such a good thing.
* ''[[School Days (Visual Novel)|School Days]]'': Makoto Itou is this [[Gone Horribly Wrong]].
== Comic Books ==
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== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'', Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" starts playing whenever Duke Devlin appears.
* ''[[Discovery]]'': Prowl was apparently a huge slut back in the day; the comic has shown him use his animal magnetism to his advantage twice already.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* In ''[[Perfume (Literature)|Perfume]]'' the sociopathic protagonist with an inhuman sense of smell makes a perfume {{spoiler|[[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child]] or seven}} that, when applied, causes everyone in a large area to not only love you, but also tear off their clothes and have sex with everyone around. He uses it at a public event with hundreds of people. This scene also occurs in the novel.
* As one would expect from the name, characters in pornographic movies (at least those that actually try to have a plot) are especially adept at pornomancy; because of narrative contrivance, characters have little inclination to avoid sex, and sex is both the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
* ''Dangerous Liasons'' and remakes like ''Cruel Intentions'' specifically avert this trope by spending quite a lot of time on the planning and implementation of a seduction.
* [[James Bond (Filmfilm)|James Bond]]'s talent with pornomancy is legendary; nearly every movie he is featured in has him seducing women under the most peculiar circumstances and using the most improbable techniques. The most recent, rebooted Bond movies have played with it:
** Much of ''[[Casino Royale (Film)|Casino Royale]]'' was built around a fairly massive subversion/aversion of this: Vesper Lynd is set up as a typical Bond conquest-to-be, but instead of that he falls for her, hard, and she completely plays him. Given how ''Casino Royale'' is Bond's origin story, it's more accurate to say his callous womanizing [[Start of Darkness|stems from]] their destructive relationship. Few people realize his signature [[Drink Order|vodka martini]] is actually symbolic: Bond names it after Vesper and then [[Tragic Keepsake|continues drinking it]] long after [[Dead Little Sister|she's dead]].
** This trope is so prevailing that it's a bit of a stunning subversion when one realizes that, in ''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'', he ''doesn't'' sleep with Olga Kurylenko's character, Camille. Not to worry though. During the course of the movie, Bond manages to bed Gemma Arterton's character, Agent Fields, who was sent to retrieve Bond from his mission. All it evidently took was the come-on of "finding the stationary" in their swank hotel room. His callous treatment of Agent Fields is perhaps the biggest indicator in the movie that the Bond of this movie had no use for personal entanglements, focused as he was on revenge.
* ''[[Austin Powers]]'''s mojo also counts.
* ''Alvin Purple'' was a 1973 Australian sex comedy about the title character, who is irresistableirresistible to all women, except of course the one he falls in love with.
* Tony Stark aka ''[[Iron Man]]'', right from the start of the movie. While establishing his character, it's shown that he can easily turn a reporter from trying to paint him up as some kind of evil warlord to falling into bed with him in about 20 seconds.
* [[Danny Trejo]]'s titular ''[[Machete (Film)|Machete]]'' may be one ugly hombre, but still,[[Grindhouse|"Machete gets the women."]]. By the end of the movie, every main female character has favored him, and he even did [[Lindsay Lohan]]'s character and her stepmother ''at the same time'', complete with [[Bow Chicka Wow Wow|porn music]].
* AllEvery ofsingle the[[Awful British Sex ComediesComedy]] of the 1970s., Butbut especially the Timmy Lea ''Confessions of'' series, ''Adventures of'' series, and ''The Ups and Downs of a Door-to-Door Salesman'' (a film which screamed for sequels).
== Literature ==
== Literature ==
* Easier to count women in ''Witcher'' series that didn't tapped Geralt than those who did. Slighty justified because the witcher's wierdness acts like a magnet.. or because Geralt seems to be some kind of alter ego for Sapkowsky.
* What discussion of sex magic would be complete without ''[[Anita Blake]]''? Though the series began merely using sex as appropriate to a modern vampire story, as it progressed, it got further derailed to the point where nobody can resist having sex with Anita, and she can do anything she wants with sex magic.
* Laurell Hamilton's other major character, [[Merry Gentry|Meredith Gentry]], also qualifies: she's been able to {{spoiler|bring creatures of Faerie into power via sex, and even revive parts of the Unseelie enclave.}}
* [[Sir Apropos of Nothing]] gets a ring (that does not go on his finger) that gives him pornomancy in ''The Woad to Wuin'', the second book of the series. Subverted in that it quickly proves to be a curse: "The women came to me in all shapes, all sizes, young and old, pretty and . . . less so. ... Finally they tied me to the bed. There are worse ways to pass one's hours, but none come readily to mind."
* In ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' this is the power of one of the families of the White Court of Vampires, which they use to facilitate their feeding on a person's ''soul'' and ''life'' through sex. If a vampire gets hungry gender appropriate prey will try to get close and tear their clothes off. The vampires can tone the effect to [[Distracted Byby the Sexy|tolerable levels]], though. It should be noted that gender DOESN'T matter for the White Court. If it has a libido, they can eat it.
** One of them is a [[Defector From Decadence]] who can't hold down a normal job because his especially strong "aura" tends to [[So Beautiful It's a Curse|cause him to be the victim of sexual harassment]], forcing him to quit or get fired due to [[Double Standard|Double Standards]]s. He eventually gets around this by masquerading as an [[Camp Gay|outrageously campy homosexual]] [[Everything Sounds Sexier in French|French]] hairdresser, and absorbs minute amounts of life energy coming from the feelings of sensuality his patrons enjoy by having their scalps massaged.
* Mikael Blomkvist, the male lead from Stieg Larsson's ''[[The Millennium Trilogy|Millennium]]'' series. There are only two female characters featuring in more than a few paragraphs that Blomkvist ''doesn't'' sleep with. One is a married woman with young children and the other is his sister. It never seems to be Blomkvist who seduces them either, it just seems like every female jumps him as soon as she gets a chance. Luckily the movies downplay this.
** Some of this is due to Larsson's editors making him put more sex scenes in because they felt it would give the novels more commercial appeal. By the third book they stopped doing this and it shows.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Joey from ''[[Friends]]'' is possibly the most famous modern [[The Pornomancer|pornomancer]]. Despite not having any magical skills (or intelligence) of note, he rarely needs to utter more than "Hey. How ''you'' doin'?" before scoring.
* Chuck Bass from ''[[Gossip Girl]]''. Nate Archibald as well, but to a lesser degree.
* In ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'', Dean Winchester alternates between being a pornomancer and actually being a viable romantic lead. The third season premere started with Dean cavorting with "the [[Twin Threesome Fantasy|Doublemint Twins]]" in a hotel room while Sam hides in the car. Though the show does contain magic, it's reasonably certain that he didn't need anything more than [[Author Appeal]] to cross [[Fetish Fuel|that one]] off the bucket list. In several episodes, however, such as with Cassie in the episode ''Route 666'', the tenderness is definitely earned.
** Subverted by Andy Gallagher in "Simon Said": he has the power to control people with his [[Compelling Voice]]; he refuses to use it to seduce the woman he loves.
* ''[[I CarlyiCarly]]'': Spencer. Basically scores with every woman on the show older than 18, and younger than Mrs. Benson. Also scored with Mrs. Benson in the [[Christmas Episode]]. And a 80 year old guy whilst Spencer was pretending to be a ''busty old woman''. In episode ''Locker 239'' he may have had a girl in his room at the start of the episode, and then scored with the art teacher at the end of that episode.
* Surely Charlie from ''[[Two and A Half Men]]'' is an 18th level Pornomancer? Admittedly he's probably Charlie Sheen's own [[Marty Stu]], but the guy's been laid more than the contents of 12 egg cartons.
* In ''[[Night Court]]'', prosecutor Dan Fielding's whole life revolved around his sexual conquests. Humorous given that the actor later went on to play a character on ''Boston Legal'', which had its own fair share of pornomancers.
* "Aaay!" The TV [[Ur Example]] would be Fonzie of ''[[Happy Days]]''.
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* Chris Stevens of ''[[Northern Exposure]]'' has this power. There's an episode devoted to it, in fact.
* Veronica, the niece in ''[[The George Lopez Show]]'' who always sleeps her ways to the top.
* ''[[Stargate Universe (TV)|Stargate Universe]]''
** Lt. Matthew "Can't Keep It In His Pants" Scott has bagged at least two women in four episodes, without any pretext whatsoever. And a flashback mentioned that as a teenager, he'd gotten his girlfriend pregnant, making it three women in the first four episodes.
** While we may not know the story behind the first one (episode-wise), Chloe at least has a flimsy excuse of a similar situation (dead dad). And he's stuck with her ever since. The real Pornomancer is Lisa Park, who's not only slept with as many people, she's done so in ''less screentime'' (two in one episode, one in a webisode). More to the point, while Scott's liaisons are at the very least an attempt at an actual relationship, Park is doing this just to relieve stress.
* In ''[[Californication]]'', author Hank Moody, played by [[Real Life]] pornomancer/sex addict David Duchovny, is [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] pornomancy. An endless slew of gorgeous women fall into his bed; even his daughter and his soul mate usually just roll their eyes when they find out about his sexual shenanigans. A case could be made that his power is [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] (heh), since his life is always complicated by his sexual antics. One generally doesn't feel sorry for him, however.
** By Season 3, about the only adult women on the show he hasn't slept with are Marci, his best friend's wife, the boss of his best friend, and his daughter's best friend. He ''has'' slept with Mia (the 16 year old daughter of the man he took his wife back from), his teacher's assistant, a stripper/student in his writing class, the wife of the dean of the school he's working at, Karen, and about a half-dozen random sexual encounters. It finally comes crashing down in the Season 3 final episode.
** In season 5, it appears that Charlie is now the show's resident pornomancer. As of episode 7 he's shown having sex with four women and gotten a free blow-job from a tranny hooker. Meanwhile Hank, in the same amount of time, has had sex with a grand total of two women. One of which he was in an actual relationship with.
* Jason King of ''Department S'' and later [[Jason King (TV)|his own spin-off series]]. The moustachioed, velvet-wearing slippery dandy who was the real inspiration for [[Austin Powers]].
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'':
** Season Two: Cordelia dumps Xander, so he tries to win her back with a [[Love Potion|love spell]]. It works, but [[Love Is in Thethe Air|not on its intended target]] (obviously). [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** Season Seven: there's a boy at the rebuilt high school whom all the female characters immediately fall for, with dreamy expressions and the theme from ''A Summer Place''. Even [[Lipstick Lesbian|Willow]] (she started working a spell to change him into a woman so it could work for her). [[Hilarity Ensues]]. {{spoiler|It's the jacket.}}
* [[Lost|James "Sawyer" Ford]] gets laid more often than any other character on the show, on or off the island.
* Douglas Renholm on ''[[The IT Crowd]]'' fancies himself a Pornomancer but the jury's still out on whether or not he actually ''is'' one. He failed to seduce Jen, but things like iPod parties seem to back up his claims.
* [[The Wire|Jimmy McNulty]] has shades of this. A Season 2 episode starts with him effortlessly picking up a waitress despite being slovenly drunk and nursing a wounded hand from an earlier car crash. Then of course there was the incident with the two prostitutes during a sting, something [[Never Live It Down|that other BPD Officers would joke about well into the show's final season.]]
* Brian Kinney of the American version of ''[[Queer Asas Folk]]'', as well as Stuart Jones, the character he was based off of in the original.
* Lord Flashheart from ''[[Black AdderBlackadder]]'' is pretty much the embodiment of this trope.
* From ''[[Warehouse 13]]'', Mata Hari's pantyhose can make anyone [[Yandere]] for the wearer.
* Monty Pippin from ''[[Keen Eddie]]''.
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== Music ==
* Tone Loc will tell you that, while the ''Funky Cold Medina'' always works on the ladies, you should always be careful of what you wish for.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Unknown Armies (Tabletop Game)|Unknown Armies]]'' has a whole school of magic called Pornomancy, based on the rites of the Naked Goddess, a porn star who [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence|ascended to the Invisible Clergy]] by fulfilling the archetype of the Woman Everyone Can Have But You. Pornomancers accumulate charges for their magic through ritual sex, recreating the roles the Naked Goddess played in her films, and can use these charges to do pretty much anything on this page. Beware though, this is ''Unknown Armies'' and every school of magic restricts its practitioners; if a Pornomancer has sex for love, enjoyment, or any purpose other than ritual, all of their magic is negated.
** So basically to master this school of magic you have to become one of those dead-eyed joyless porn stars, going through the motions passionlessly. You should see the school of magic based on money.
* The horror RPG ''[[KULTKult]]'' features the Lore of Passion, which allows for magical seduction among other sex and fertility effects.
** Also, [[Body Horror]]. There is ALWAYS body horror in Kult.
* Most White Wolf games feature a power or ability that can be used for this purpose. ''[[Exalted]]'' features a charm called Husband-Seducing Demon Dance, which works on everyone that can see you. Being that it works on a person or cause, it can be used both for instant seduction, instantly recruiting a [[Redshirt Army]] or becoming a one man [[Propaganda Machine]]. Being Exalted, it's available to a starting character.
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** On a related note, [[Ridiculously Human Robot|Alchemical Exalted]] can get the Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations. which lets them have sex that is so good ''it can be used as a form of mind control.'' Of course, the sex has to be consensual for the mind-control effect to work, but it's doubtful that anyone with the charm is going to have that problem.
** There's even a whole [[Martial Arts and Crafts|Sidereal Martial Arts]] Style (that being the most powerful level, which is about as similar to mortal martial arts as theoretical physics is to arithmetic)- Sapphire Veils of Passion- for this sort of thing. One particularly fun technique makes anyone who grapples you lust after you.
* ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade (Tabletop Game)|Vampire]]'', [[Vampire: The Requiem|both of them,]] are naturally the most prominent example in White Wolf's library. With two entire magical skills dedicated to making the Vampire irresistible in some fashion, and with several abilities of other disciplines able to do the same. Dominate allows you direct orders, and Majesty/Presence allows you to become unnaturally sexy to everyone around you, and they can't explain why.
** From [[Vampire: The Requiem|''Requiem'']], there's the Daeva Bloodline, the Duchagne, whose primary power is Licencieux, which can cause spontaneous waves of pain or pleasure in the target, meaning you can make anything attractive or repulsive, not just yourself. Bonus: repeated uses on the same target following a repeated action can cause addiction. Addiction to the caster's favor, addiction to doing as they're told, [[Rule of Three|addiction to]] [[Tropes Will Ruin Your Life|contributing to wikis]]... the applications are endless.
* This is the nickname for a certain Archetype in ''[[Shadowrun]]'', who can throw a ridiculous amount of dice at any social roll. Their powers aren't explicitly related to sex, though the ones capable of spellcasting often end up taking the spell that [[Power Perversion Potential|induces a mass orgasm]] for the take of living up to the name. And yes, that is a canon spell.
* This is an inherent power of all werewolves in ''[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Tabletop Game)|Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]'', although it won't work on anyone who's already in love or in a committed relationship.
** There's actually a good reason for them having it BEYOND [[Power Perversion Potential]]. Breeding is VERY important for the Garou, since being a Werewolf is in the blood...only they can't breed with other Garou, without cranking out a deformed child called a [[The Woobie|Metis]](Which you can play as). Since Wolves spend a LOT of time fighting the Wyrm and dealing with their own brand of tribal politics, its a little...difficult to get into a committed relationship (But not impossible), making one night stands preferable. That's right, Pornomancy is almost mandatory for their very existence.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[The Witcher]]'': Geralt of Rivia can't seem to avoid falling into bed with townsmaidens, nurses, and sorceresses; some of the sillier things that lead to sex for him include passing a quiz on the language of the Elves and giving a ring (any ring) to a young woman who is jealous of her sister's marriage... it can be ''any'' ring. Luckily for him, [[STD Immunity]] and sterility are standard effects of Witcher mutations. And a literal example exists in an off hand note that magic can induce orgasms.
* The so-called "Romantic Encounters" mod for ''[[BaldursBaldur's Gate|Baldur's Gate II]]'' adds many dialogues that can make the PC into this. It also modifies an existing mage in the sewers (Mekrath) into a more or less literal Pornomancer.
* This does tend to happen to the hero of the ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' mod "The Bastard of Kosigan". With a high Charisma and decent ranks in Persuade, women will literally be falling into bed with him.
** [[The Protagonist|The Princess]] from the [[A Dance With Rogues]] ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' module can be this, or an [[Accidental Pornomancer]]. Depending on how you play her.
* The protagonist of ''[[Knights of Xentar]]'' is blessed to never go without a bed to sleep in. This has... interesting results.
* Commander Shepard of [[Mass Effect]] is [[Memetic Sex God|memetically infamous]] for this due to the wide range of romanceable companions. Averted within the context of a single character's playthrough, though, as Shepard can't be in more than one relationship per game and changing your romantic interest in the sequel is likely to result in a scene when both paramours confront each other over Shepard. However, if a single game is compared to a Bond movie...
** Don't forget optional one night stands with the Consort and Kelly Chambers. Shepard definitely CAN be James Bond [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]] if he or she so desires.
* Averted in ''[[Subverse]]'' as most additions to your crew insist you aid them in some way before they put out.
== Web Comics ==
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** It also helps that, according to one "Tao of Rayne" strip - "The foolish man concerns himself with the 99 who say no, while the wise man comforts himself with the one who says 'yes'."
* ''[[Skin Horse]]'': [[Wholesome Crossdresser]] Tip somehow manages to charm every woman he meets without even trying. The other characters jokingly refer to it as his "superpower". When Tip ends up getting turned into a werewolf, it turns out his "superpower" transcends species (and in once case [[Even the Guys Want Him|orientation]]).
** Lampshaded at least once by Unity: "Did we know he had a superpower when we hired him?"
* Zii of ''[[Ménage à 3]]'' has probably had sex with most of the cast by now, one-shot characters included. She can seduce [[Everyone Is Bi|presumably]] straight girls (and middle-aged, married women) with ease, and once had a foursome with male triplets. Probably the only reason we haven't seen her use her Pornomancy on any gay men yet is because she'd rather [[Yaoi Fangirl|watch them do their own thing]] (although in one what-if scenario created by Gisele on Slipshine is an indication, she could easily do that too).
* The Chupacabre in ''[[Girly]]''. is something of a light-hearted [[Deconstruction]] of this trope. Any woman who sees him will immediately rip off her clothes and throw herself at him, and he is more than happy to give them the best sex they've ever had. And while sometimes this really does [[You Need to Get Laid|improve their lives]], it's more likely to ruin any current or potential relationships they had. Chupacabre is completely unaware of this until Winter explains it to him, and makes a very concentrated effort to be more careful from then on. He's successful--mostlysuccessful—mostly.
== Web Original ==
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* ''[[Forest Tales|Tales of the Folly]]'' has a [[Psychic Powers|literal]] instance of unintentional Pornomancy: "Why do I feel frisky all of a sudden?" To a lesser (that is, withstandable) extent, all Chakat mating is this due to their empathy.
* The erotica writer Salamando has a several stories involving Lust Walkers, succubus like entities that feed on "sex energy" to survive, lest they go feral. Each Lust Walker is named after a type of mythical creature (medusa, siren, vampire), which is based on both their method of feeding and the specific powers they gain. Another series of his features a world where all women on Earth above the age of 19 (but no men of any age) gain Sex Magic, enabling them to psychically sense men's arousal and read their naughty thoughts, and magically play with and control their bodies. They can also do this to other women, but only if the other woman allows it to happen.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[The Witcher]]'': Geralt of Rivia can't seem to avoid falling into bed with townsmaidens, nurses, and sorceresses; some of the sillier things that lead to sex for him include passing a quiz on the language of the Elves and giving a ring (any ring) to a young woman who is jealous of her sister's marriage... it can be ''any'' ring. Luckily for him, [[STD Immunity]] and sterility are standard effects of Witcher mutations. And a literal example exists in an off hand note that magic can induce orgasms.
* The so-called "Romantic Encounters" mod for ''[[Baldurs Gate|Baldur's Gate II]]'' adds many dialogues that can make the PC into this. It also modifies an existing mage in the sewers (Mekrath) into a more or less literal Pornomancer.
* This does tend to happen to the hero of the ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' mod "The Bastard of Kosigan". With a high Charisma and decent ranks in Persuade, women will literally be falling into bed with him.
** [[The Protagonist|The Princess]] from the [[A Dance With Rogues]] ''[[Neverwinter Nights]]'' module can be this, or an [[Accidental Pornomancer]]. Depending on how you play her.
* The protagonist of ''[[Knights of Xentar]]'' is blessed to never go without a bed to sleep in. This has... interesting results.
* Commander Shepard of [[Mass Effect]] is [[Memetic Sex God|memetically infamous]] for this due to the wide range of romanceable companions. Averted within the context of a single character's playthrough, though, as Shepard can't be in more than one relationship per game and changing your romantic interest in the sequel is likely to result in a scene when both paramours confront each other over Shepard. However, if a single game is compared to a Bond movie...
** Don't forget optional one night stands with the Consort and Kelly Chambers. Shepard definitely CAN be James Bond [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]] if he or she so desires.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Family Guy (Animation)|Family Guy]]''
** Quagmire and his ubiquitous "Giggity Giggity Goo!"
** And on that note, [[Bill Clinton]] in the episodes he graces.
{{quote| "[[Even the Guys Want Him|Wow... you are REALLY good"]]}}
* Brock Samson in ''[[The Venture Brothers]]''.
* Cal in ''[[Undergrads]]''.
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