The Return of Swamp Thing: Difference between revisions

added a few tropes that were in a list on the first movie's page
(added a few tropes that were in a list on the first movie's page)
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* [[The Dragon]]: Gunn.
* [[Dramatic Thunder]]: Used gratuitously when the camera is panning over Arcane's mansion.
* [[Eighties Hair]]
* [[Explosive Overclocking]]: Dr. Rochelle's death in the incinerator causes a chain reaction which makes Arcane's mansion to blow up.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: One of the mooks wears an eyepatch.
* [[Fan Service]]
* [[Five-Bad Band]]
* [[Flatline]]: Abby flatlines when her energy is drained from her.
* [[For the Evulz]]: The two moonshiners enjoy stealing cars, running over animals, rape etc.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Poinsettia and Gunn are both covered in scars and they start [[Scar Survey|to compare them]] at one point.
* [[Groin Attack]]: When Gunn is trying to come on to her, Abby gives him a swift kick to groin which is then followed by [[Grievous Bottley Harm|a beaker]].
* [[Healing Hands]]
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Leech Man.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Dr. Zurell's fate.
* [[Regeneration]]{{context}}
* [[Rescue Romance]]: Develops between Abby and Swamp Thing.
* [[Revenge of the Sequel]]