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[[File:guillotine 9552.png|frame|Vive La Révolution!]]
{{quote|''Revolution is not a tea party.''|'''[[Mao Zedong]]'''}}
|'''[[Mao Zedong]]'''}}
{{quote|''In war, ideals can be corrupted''|'''Optimus Prime''', ''[[Transformers Prime]]''}}
|'''Optimus Prime''', ''[[Transformers Prime]]''}}
The anti-trope to [[The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified]], this is a considerably [[Darker and Edgier]] version of [[La Résistance]]. However, this is ''not'' [[The Remnant]], insofar as they are not villainous: in this Resistance, however, the rebels are all [[Anti-Hero|antiheroes]] at best, as brutal or more so than their enemies. No matter whose side you're on, it's sacrifice, honor, duty, and "shut up and follow orders!" They will usually be led by a rebel version of [[General Ripper]], or possibly a subversion of that archetype.
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== Anime &and Manga ==
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'', the flashbacks to the mid-1860s in the manga around the beginning of the Jinchuu arc and the Remembrance [[OVA]]s, and Ishida's group in Peacemaker Kurogane. However, in reality, the first wave of "Patriots of the Restoration" was a lot worse than shown in Ruro Ken, murdering any merchant who had dealings with westerners.
* In ''[[Black Lagoon]]'' Rock encounters an ex-Japanese Red Army (see [[Real Life]] section) member in "Lock And Load Revolution". The old man was an idealist working for a world revolution, [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids|and verged into terrorism]]. After the movement fell, he joined forces with other terrorists, in present, an Islamic group led by a Lebanese Jihadist. Also, the super-[[Meido]] Roberta was a Cuban trained assassin and a FARC guerrilla who became disillusioned when she realized she was just a guard dog for [[The Cartel]].
* ''[[One Piece]]'' - Dragon the Revolutionary and his posse. He functions mostly in the background and isn't even formally introduced until late in the series. He also happens to be {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father|the main character's father]].}} Most of the cast respond to this revelation with shock and horror as he's more infamous than anything. As [[Mr. Exposition|Robin]] explains:
{{quote|Pirates don't start attacks on [[The Government]] or the Marines. But right now there is a force trying to overthrow the World Government directly. That's the "Revolutionary Army" and Dragon's the man that leads them. Their ideas are spreading to numerous countries all over the world, stirring rebels in the kingdoms and a number of countries have been destroyed. This has of course angered the World Government.}}
* The Reverse Organization from ''[[Letter Bee]]'' have typically been displayed as not terribly nice people, but the government they've been rebelling against has shown hints of being equally not nice, particularly if half the things Reverse has said about them are true. However, they may have [[Moral Event Horizon|exceeded this trope and gone on to just straight 'evil']] following recent{{when}} chapters, wherein they {{spoiler|used an innocent young nun as a human sacrifice, essentially destroying her soul and condemning her to a slow death in order to lure in a gigantic armor bug to attack the capital.}}
== Comic Books ==
* ''[[V for Vendetta]]'': V makes no bones about the fact that he is a terrorist.<ref>But he also recognizes that such a person (or monster) has no place building or living in the new world that will rise from the ashes of the old (the one he plans to burn down). He is an agent of death and destruction, a weapon to be cast away when it has served it's purpose.</ref>
* Quite a few ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] comics have attempted to extend this to the Rebel Alliance, trying to [[Black and Gray Morality|soften the line between good guys and bad guys]], as well as explain how the cash-strapped outfit got its money. Sometimes its just down to the occasional [[Jerkass]] pilot, such as Jal Te Gniev (who later makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] after watching a teenager he'd abused [[Taking the Bullet|take the blaster bolt]] for him—and shooting with a gun that he'd bought to ''kill'' Gniev). However, it did sometimes come down to situations where in order to keep working, the Alliance and later New Republic would have to kill innocents themselves. In fact, after the Rebels won at Endor, destroying the Death Star, one of the first acts of the New Republic they established was to execute Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik for war crimes after he was captured in this battle. With Palpatine and Vader dead, he was pretty much one of the highest ranking Imperials captured. Tragic fact that Teshik was one of the few decent Imperials.
In fact, after the Rebels won at Endor, destroying the Death Star, one of the first acts of the New Republic they established was to execute Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik for war crimes after he was captured in this battle. With Palpatine and Vader dead, he was pretty much one of the highest ranking Imperials captured. Tragic fact that Teshik was one of the few decent Imperials.
* In the [[Marvel Universe]], Skrull Kill Krew.
== Fan FictionWorks ==
* Between 1980 and 1983, the ''[[Star Wars]]'' fandom was inundated with stories speculating on how—or if—Han Solo might be thawed out of the carbonite in which he'd ended ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]''. One particularly memorable story, "The Revenant", had him being unfrozen ''thirty years later''. Leia is dead, Chewbacca is dead, Lando is dead ... and Luke, who arranged Leia's death to bring a group of unaligned planets to the Rebellion's side, is First Citizen of a New Republic oppressive as ever the Empire was.
* ''[[Travels Through Azeroth and Outland|Travels through Azeroth and Outland]]'' presents the Defias Brotherhood as completely nihilistic and destructive.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'' - Free Mars. Other Mars Resistance cells, the Narn Rebellion against the Centauri, and the Telepath Resistance straddle the line between this and [[The Revolution Will Not Be Villified]].
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica]] (2004 TV series)|The 2004 ''Battlestar Galactica'']], {{spoiler|Gaeta's}} Mutiny and ''especially'' the New Caprican Resistance.
* Udara in the ''[[Alien Nation (TV series)|Alien Nation]]'' telemovie of the same name, a group of Tenctonese terrorists who resorted to brainwashing their own children into assassins and suicide bombers to fight the Overseers on the Slave Ship. Even after the slave's emancipation, Tenctonese sentiment was divided on whether the Udara were freedom fighters or extremists who did more harm than good.
* ''[[Blake's 7|Blakes Seven]]''. While [[La Résistance]] are clearly better than the Federation, the main cast are all anti-heroes at best and Blake is often called on his devotion to the Rebellion over taking care of his people. And then he was replaced with Avon, who didn't even ''pretend'' to take care.
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== Video Games ==
* In the ''[[Crusader: No Remorse|Crusader]]'' games, the Resistance is very, very much willing to use hardball tactics. The best example of this is the protagonist, the unleashing of whom on a target is not unlike using a tactical nuke, but in the manual it also notes that while General Maxis seems sincere in his ideals, the WEC has tried to get him to surrender himself, dismantle the Resistance, or do less drastically stupid things by threatening civilians. Maxis has never given in, nor tried a third option.
* The Scoi'a'tel in ''[[The Witcher]]''. The game does go to great lengths to explain the understandable grievances that led to their formation and continued existence (being conquered, treated as second-class citizens and subjected to violence and pogroms by the humans), but also makes it very clear that they are ruthless murderers who attack innocent or not-so-innocent civilians, sometimes in particularly gruesome ways, rather than the oppressing government's armed forces. Quite a few Dwarven and Elven NPCs express their profound dislike for them. At one point early on, a member tries to convince the player/Geralt to let him take some crates of medical supplies. If you give them to him, it later turns out they really contain some really nasty weapons that only work on unarmored civilians. Which they use to prominently assassinate an unarmed civilian. Who happens to have a second job as a drug pusher, making addicts of elvish teenagers so he can force them into drug-controlled slavery and/or prostitution. Or at least that's what the moderate dwarves and elves say. So, that one particular incident was probably justified, but later it gets worse.
** Note that in the books, [[The Empire|Nilfgaard]] sponsors the Scoi'a'tel who harass their common enemies, but has no illusions about them. When the war ends, it turns out that Nilfs see them as weaponized rabid dogs and rather than bother to deal with the uncontrollable little bands and risk "moderate rebels" becoming a problem for themselves, sold them out to those they used to hunt as a part of peace agreement — and main supporters of the Scoi'a'tel can do jack about it, being in a [[Leonine Contract]] with the Empire.
At one point early on, a member tries to convince the player/Geralt to let him take some crates of medical supplies. If you give them to him, it later turns out they really contain some really nasty weapons that only work on unarmored civilians. Which they use to prominently assassinate an unarmed civilian. Who happens to have a second job as a drug pusher, making addicts of elvish teenagers so he can force them into drug-controlled slavery and/or prostitution. Or at least that's what the moderate dwarves and elves say. So, that one particular incident was probably justified, but later it gets worse.
* The Defias Brotherhood in ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' may count as an example of this. The Defias began as a group of disgruntled stonemasons who were cheated by their government. Unfortunately, they became too heavily involved with criminal elements and ended up robbing and killing the peasants.
** [[Our Werewolves Are Different|King Genn Greymane]] repeatedly refers to the Northgate Rebels of [[Victorian London|Gilneas]] as [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|terrorists]]. Since they have hidden an important quantity of explosives in the capital, he might not be entirely wrong. Additionally, the general pointlessness of the civil war (on both sides) puts a point on it. [[Rebel Leader|Rebel Lord]] [[Memetic Badass|Darius Crowley's]] [[Big Badass Wolf|status]] helps a little.
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* In ''[[BioShock Infinite]]'', we have the floating city of Columbia split between the Founders, xenophobic white-supremacists who believe in isolating Colombia from the rest of the world, and the Vox Populi, rebels who want to open Colombia to all races and religions and have degenerated into vicious marauders who bully the citizens of the city and lynch innocent people.
{{quote|Vox Populi member: Your homes are ours! Your lives are ours! Your wives are ours! It all belongs to the Vox!}}
* ''[[X-COM (Video Game)|XCOM 2]]'': The path to overthrowing the alien occupiers and their puppet regime is paved with raiding and destroying facilities, killing lawmen, property damage, and abducting or assassinating [[The Quisling]]s. While you can't use direct-target attacks on them [[Les Collaborateurs]] as reprisal for blowing troopers' cover, no warning, moral judgment, or [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]] is given if you by accident on purpose drop a [[Herd-Hitting Attack]] in the right direction.
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* The various Jidahist factions in ''Shooting War,'' though [[Dark Messiah|Abu Addalah]] takes the cake.
== Web Original ==
* ''[[Tech Infantry]]'' has various rebel factions, from the Christian Federation and their penchant for suicide-ramming freighters into enemy vessels, to the Liberation and their campaign of terror-bombings. Even the Resistance has as their main gripe the fact that supernaturally-powered humans are forced to serve in the Tech Infantry [[Space Marine]] forces. These forces are fighting against [[Bug War|alien Bugs]] that want to eat everyone, other aliens that want to kill all humans and take their planets as living space, and still other aliens who want to enslave humans and work them all to death. This makes their occasionally violent tactics seem a bit extreme. Although the Earth Federation and the Middle Kingdom that replaces it are both quite nasty, the aliens—especially the Bugs—are usually worse, and the endless rebellions, mutinies, and civil wars make it darn hard to fight the Bugs as a united front.
Although the Earth Federation and the Middle Kingdom that replaces it are both quite nasty, the aliens—especially the Bugs—are usually worse, and the endless rebellions, mutinies, and civil wars make it darn hard to fight the Bugs as a united front.
* ''[[A World of Laughter, A World of Tears]]'' sees the nonviolent Civil Rights Movement collapse thanks to a drastic misreading of the political climate by President Disney. Martin Luther King, Jr. gets publicly egged, destroying his credibility, and the movement falls under control of the Nation of Islam. One word: ''jihad''.
* The French Revolution in ''[[Look to the West]]'' starts out being as violent as our history's...and never really calms down. In the long term this has the effect of forcing nearly all reformist movements to be more nonviolent by default, just to avoid the comparison.
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== Real Life ==
* Be warned: [[Your Mileage May Vary|Your mileage WILL''will'' vary]]. Try to keep it civil.
* Most historical revolutions have ultimately ended up looking this way. Just look at [[Maximilien Robespierre|Robespierre]], Lenin, [[Mao Zedong]], Pol Pot, or all manner of other bloody tyrants brought in as revolutionaries against an old, corrupt government. Even the American Revolution had various massacres of-and-by Tories, mass lynchings, plus invasions of both the recognized sovereign Iroquois state and what would eventually become Canada. There were similarly-violent [[wikipedia:King David Hotel bombing|fringe groups]] fighting for Israel's independence. Later we have Hamas and Hezbollah, though they only rarely hit military targets.
** Before any of the totalitarian figures listed above ever came to power, there was [[Jean -Jacques Rousseau]]. [[The Theme Park Version]] of his philosophy is often taught as an advocacy for total democracy, in which people are completely informed about all issues and decide, as a unanimous whole, what is beneficial to them. Less appealing to modern sensibilities is what he advocated as the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|means to these ends]]: Among other things, the abolition of religion in favor of one civil religion that basically worshiped the state, the abolition of parenting in favor of communal rearing, and the abolition of just about every other thing that makes people unique from one another. Far from the naturalist/anarchist he's often been [[Flanderization|flanderized]] into, you could argue that Rousseau invented the [[People's Republic of Tyranny]].
* In the vein of ''Weather Underground'', Europe had its share of student revolutionaries; Red Army Faction, or RAF, and Brigade Rosse in West Germany and Italy respectively. The former is somewhat notable to only officially cease activity at the late half of the 90's. Both organizations were behind a small number of violent acts towards the governments.
* The [[wikipedia:Russian constitutional crisis of 1993|1993 Russian Constitutional Crisis]] initiated by then-President Boris Yeltsin might be thought of as a much-delayed counter-revolution, rather than a revolution, but given that the Soviet Union had already been fairly peacefully dissolved more than a year earlier, Yeltsin's orders for elite Army Divisions stationed in Moscow to fire ''live ammunition'' at the country's own parliament in order to avoid his own impeachment and dissolve the Supreme Soviet could definitely be thought of as not civilized. Of course, the Parliamentarians also shot back and arguably pushed the situation over into battle by not dissolving.
** And firing at the parliament was the least bloody part (few people will ever know whether there were anyone on the higher floors where the shots were aimed), fights around all Moscow before siege of parliament were the deadliest street fights in Moscow since 1917. Neither side was fully legitimate by the confrontation and neither side was civilized in the confrontation. So, whatever side was The Revolution, it was not civilized.
* The Tamil Tigers in [[Sri Lanka]].
* The [[English Civil War|"English" "Civil Wars"]]. The romanticized view paints this as a falling-out between King and Parliament leading to several battles and ending with the King's unfortunate execution followed by an "interregnum" during which England is ruled by the firm-but-fair Oliver Cromwell before eventually ending in an inevitable restoration and the new King and Parliament making peace. The actual history has an incompetent, tyrannical King dragging his country into a bloody, fractious civil war and who refuses to compromise with Parliament despite his eventual defeat (after seven years of warfare!) leading to his execution, the abolition of the monarchy and the institution of a republic. The republic leads to an autocracy, then the republic again, then a monarchical restoration followed by further political upheaval, another King overthrown, a parliamentary-appointed monarchy and the overthrown line seeking to regain the throne at which they make two serious attempts. All in all, the civil strife started in 1642 continued to have repercussions, on and off, well into the next century if one includes Cromwell's [[Reign of Terror]] in Ireland. England did get this nicely out of the way early however. During the Victorian/Regency period politicians made a point of creating a revolution slowly and bloodlessly through the changing of government policy. They'd seen what happened in France and really didn't like it.
The republic leads to an autocracy, then the republic again, then a monarchical restoration followed by further political upheaval, another King overthrown, a parliamentary-appointed monarchy and the overthrown line seeking to regain the throne at which they make two serious attempts. All in all, the civil strife started in 1642 continued to have repercussions, on and off, well into the next century if one includes Cromwell's [[Reign of Terror]] in Ireland.
England did get this nicely out of the way early however. During the Victorian/Regency period politicians made a point of creating a revolution slowly and bloodlessly through the changing of government policy. They'd seen what happened in France and really didn't like it.
* Both the IRA and the Ulster Defence Volunteers were playing this one straight from an early stage.
* During the Iranian Revolution in 1979, almost everyone from communists to religious fundamentalists worked together to overthrow the Shah. As soon as they won, control of the country boiled down to who had the largest number of organized thugs out on the streets. The Islamic socialists having lost their main leader, Ali Shariati, to a [[Secret Police|SAVAK]] assassin's bullet in England in 1978, they couldn't organize their thugs well enough to enforce their will, and fanatical Khomeinist Islamists won the day. The Khomeinists promptly purged the country shortly after they clinched power.
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* The Egyptian government attempted to [[Invoked Trope|invoke]] this during the Revolution of 2011, by withdrawing the police forces and opening the prisons, causing violence and havoc. The people weren't fooled: they formed local defense associations to fight back the criminals, and virtually all of the actual protesters calling for the downfall of the regime were entirely peaceful.
* After its Quiet Revolution in the 1960s, many residents of the Canadian province of Quebec wanted it to become an independent country. Most Quebec separatists wanted to secede democratically, but the Front de Liberation du Quebec aimed to turn the province into a Marxist-Leninist state by force. After kidnapping British diplomat James Cross and murdering Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte, the FLQ was finally crushed after federal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act and deployed troops onto the streets of Montreal.
* The Syrian civil war started with the opposition armed with whatever weapons they could get against the army, who ruthlessly gunned down anyone who opposed Bashar al-Assad's rule and [[Moral Event Horizon|deployed chemical weapons and incendiaries against civilians]]. Over time, the opposition became more and more radicalized, and terrorist groups began co-opting the revolution for their own purposes. Things started getting bad when reports started coming out of the rebels using [[Child Soldiers]], [[I'm Aa Humanitarian|eating enemy soldiers']] [ hearts], and performing [ crucifixions]. As of 2015, almost all the secular and/or moderate rebels have been killed or otherwise neutralized, and the [[Evil Versus Evil|major anti-Assad forces left are the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front]] (which is al-Qaida's official branch in Syria).
* The [[wikipedia:Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant|Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant]], aka ISIS, ISIL and "the Islamic State", starting in 2014. A extremist Sunni Islam army seeking to carve out a fundamentalist Islamic state—the "Islamic Caliphate"—from both Syria and Iraq, it quickly became known for the breathtaking brutality with which they did practically everything in the public eye, from wholesale sex slavery of the women in their conquered territories to the online propaganda videos of Western hostages being beheaded. As of this writing (late 2014), they are still active but are being seriously damaged and hindered by airstrikes from a coalition of nations, in response to which they appear to be ''escalating'' their atrocities.
* In ''Setting the East Ablaze'' by Peter Hopkirk several witnesses who were present for the [[Red October|Russian Revolution]] noted that a lot of executions seemed to take place out of a weird survival situation. The only way to prove oneself worthy of promotion was to demonstrate sufficient fanaticism, and conversely demonstrating insufficient fanaticism was likely to get oneself shot. Thus the most [[Genre Savvy]] continually ordered executions or made wild denunciations while any red who was totoo decent to play that game ended up dead.
** The generalized term for this effect is "holiness spiral": when the claim to power is being some sort of [[Holier Than Thou]], and there's no formal border for how much is "too holy", the inevitable result is escalation into a winner-takes-all contest: no matter how modestly it started, demonstrations of contenders' fanaticism become "auction" of [[Refuge in Audacity]], where they double down repeatedly. Since the contenders need to both neutralize the competition and be holier than already "holy" folk, once the heads start rolling, they roll ever faster, until either the whole movement self-destructs and takes out everyone in range (Zhang Xianzhong/Pol Pot scenario) or someone seizes enough of power and opportunity to stop the process (Stalin scenario — demonstratively crushing "right deviation", "left deviation", and inventing an odd "right-leftist deviation" to crush when someone's asking for it, but doesn't fall under existing options).
* Aside from the fact that all parties have a strong temptation to cross [[The Laws and Customs of War]] in any conflict, a Revolutionary regime will always be at best a plurality for "The People" is something of a charming myth, you will seldom find the majority of a nation wanting the Revolution's platform, many will be neutral and many under suspicion of duress. Furthermore the traditionally accepted source of legitimacy is gone because the Revolution just destroyed it and therefore the new regime will often fall back on trying to rule by terror. All regimes rule by terror to some degree of course; we call that "law enforcement"{{verify}} but there is a difference between a fairly civilized structure which makes some effort to separate the guilty from the innocent and a regime of brutalism. Furthermore before it gains power a revolutionary faction is likely to use terror against dissenters as there are always likely to be a considerable amount of people who wouldn't dream of voting for them in an honest election. Finally of course the Revolution will likely be tempted to [[Cycle of Revenge|take revenge]] on those they connected to the Old Regime or for that matter on anyone vaguely connected to a category of humanity that the revolutionaries assigned them to.
**For that reason nationalist revolutions often have more chance of stability then universalist ones; their claim to legitimacy is set by the mere fact of the nation they rule over. An [[Those Wacky Nazis|obvious exception]] comes to mind and they were not alone. On the other hand equally arguably one reason they went so crazy was that the traditional sources of legitimate authority had disappeared.
***For similar reasons most revolutions, even those that start by appealing to the "brotherhood of man" end up falling back on nationalism. It is simply to good a way to get support and even the worst dictators can [[Genghis Gambit|get support]] by claiming foreign threats. If they are "lucky" as in Stalin's case they will even be [[World War 2|telling]] [[Enemy Mine| the truth]] in that regard.
[[Category:Civil Unrest Tropes]]
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