The Runaway Guys/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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== [[Mario Party (Video Game)|Mario Party]] ==
* The group talks about Wario's infamous "D'OH I MISSED!" quote while playing Mario's Rainbow Castle. They actually get him to say it at the very end, [[Big Yes|to their satisfaction]].
* {{spoiler|NCS's}} sudden victory in Wario's Battle Canyon. Seriously, who saw that coming?
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* [ The final mini-game] in the Let's Play is simply epic. For one, it's [[Book Ends|the first Mini-game they played in the Let's Play]] and that it lasted for a good ''two minutes'' when it would normally be about ''thirty seconds''.
== [[New Super Mario Bros Wii (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros. Wii]] ==
* [[Proton Jon]], in world 4-2, managing to get to the top of the flagpole by jumping on top of Chuggaconroy's (or Mario's, at least in the game) head, following up by jumping on [[Josh Jepson]]'s (Or yellow Toad's) head. That was Lampshaded by Chugga.
* When discussing the Koopalings when they reach world five, Chugga manages to prove [[Proton Jon]], of all people, wrong about something in [[Super Mario World (Videovideo Gamegame)|Super Mario World]]. This is [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] during the conversation by Jon exclaiming "How many times have I [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] played Mario World?!"
* During a run to get a star coin from a fortress, they all died from platforms to the head. The second time they do so, Jon immediately screams for them to turn back...but NCS (Luigi) has hopped all the way to the other side and into a pipe, without being harmed.
* In an LP notorious for deaths of all kinds, {{spoiler|[[Proton Jon]] manages to only die once in the ninth episode of [[New Super Mario Bros Wii (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros. Wii]].}}
** As mentioned on the main page (so no spoilers will apply), Josh lost the least number of lives in Episode 11. Small feat but still one to be mildly proud of.
* [[Proton Jon]] getting 99 lives. (Maybe now he'll let everyone else get some...)
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* YMMV, but Chuggaa managing to evade having to use a continue even under the pressure of Jon's constant attempts of killing him is one. During the final tally, the most common death cause for Chugga is Jon himself! (And vice-versa.)
* Josh managing to jump across circling platforms and fuzzies to grab a coin that the other guys were having trouble with.
{{quote| '''Jon''': *Josh is hopping over to the coin, unnoticed* I might need someone to follow me for when I freeze the platform...<br />
'''Josh''': *grabs the coin* Or I could just be a [[Badass]]. }}
* Beating the supposedly hardest level in the game on only two tries. They did point out that the level would have been much harder for a solo player, but still.
* Jon winning the whole thing overall, despite spending so much time trying to kill Chuggaa. He had even gotten the most coins in the credits sequence! It all may have been a [[Foregone Conclusion]] but that doesn't mean we should overlook that it soundly established his place as [[The Ace]] of the team. ''That'' is [[Awesome Moments|awesome]].
* Despite the difficulty he seems to find in [[Press X to Not Die|pressing A to not die]], Tim is consistently awesome throughout the LP. Sure, it plays second fiddle to his [[Butt Monkey]] / [[Plucky Comic Relief]] status and he's always [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]], but he gets a few moments before Chugga points it out in the finale. [ For instance], running through a death-trap while everybody else is on the verge of freaking out, yelling for him to get out of the falling blocks' paths... and he ''expertly'' weaves through the blocks, landing neatly in front of the nearly-sealed-off secret exit. Of course, he follows this amazing feat by {{spoiler|bubbling right before the flagpole}}, [[The Runaway Guys (Let's Play)/Funny|but he may have had an ulterior motive for that, too.]]
* Level 6-4, anyone? All of them end the level with a major power up (the propeller suit), catch the top of the flagpole AND have the fireworks. If this is not awesome, I don't know what it is.
* Josh in 8-1. [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] too.
{{quote| '''Jon:''' Josh, don't fail us now!<br />
'''Josh:''' I will totally fail you now! *proceeds to [[Rule of Three|not fail them now]]* }}
== [[Super Smash Bros.|Subspace Emissary]] ==
* Two involving Trophy Stands:
** One is during the Fire Emblem stage, where Chugga grabs a Trophy Stand without noticing and continues for a bit with it. When he reaches a key, he tries to pick it up, only to throw the Trophy Stand forward, bounce it off a wall, and hit an enemy behind him.
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* A somewhat more subtle example is the fight with Chugga and Jon against Cyber Luigi. They take no damage whatsoever throughout the entire fight, and they spend much of the battle conversing with each other, not paying much attention to the actual fight.
* During the final battle against, Tabuu, Snake (Chugga) was caught by Tabuu's whip and would be killed with the damage he's taken. Luckily, Yoshi (Jon) manages to save him and defeat Tabuu at the same time. Doubles as a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] due to the position Snake was stuck in after Tabuu was defeated.
{{quote| '''Jon:''' Yo-You were stuck in what was probably going to kill you, and then we glitched it. We beat the game glitching!<br />
'''Chuggaa:''' We beat the game by glitching when this is supposed to be the realm of glitches. How fitting, [[Death Byby Irony|Tabuu died to a glitch]]. }}
* Jon winning against Toon Link. {{spoiler|Both are blown off the screen. Jon won because Toon Link flew off a second before him.}} Doubles as a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
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* On the opposite side of the spectrum is Jon's fight with ALG, where both players are very evenly matched, experienced and using very similar characters ([[Fire Emblem|Ike and Marth]]). The match finally ended when {{spoiler|Jon knocking ALG into the air and watching as an exploding block spawned on him, sending ALG off the map}}.
* Chugga's victory against Josh:
{{quote| '''Chugga''': [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner|FIRE]] [[Call Back|YUMS]], [[Memetic Mutation|BALLS!]] (smashes a flaming soccer ball into Josh, knocking him off the stage and killing him)}}
** For that matter, his victory over Lucahjin. He wins without losing a stock, but how much does she do to him? A mere 27% damage. [[Curb Stomp Battle]] indeed.
* In the second round, between SyKho and SuperJeenius, they are fighting on Norfair. At one point, the giant lava wall (which covers the ''entire screen'' and deals massive damage to anyone hit by it, with the only way to avoid it being by either staying offscreen long enough or hiding in a safety capsule) appears, and SyKho hides in the capsule while Jeenius just stands around casually. He then jumps up at the last second, dodging the lava.
{{quote| '''SyKho''': [[Flat What|What.]]<br />
'''SuperJeenius''': (completely nonchalant) Problem?<br />
'''SyKho''': [[Mind Screw|Gah-what?]]<br />
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** And ironically, {{spoiler|Ike, who was [[Killed Off for Real]] in the Subspace LP, gets his chance of glory}}.
== [[Mario Party (Video Game)|Mario Party 2]] ==
* Once again, the guys find themselves playing Shy Guy Says in Pirate Land. And once again, Chugga somehow manages to hold his own for at least a minute despite the Shy Guy's fakeouts being trickier than before (though Jon failed a short while in).
* In the ''Archer-ival'' mini game, Tim manages to avoid the computer player's arrows for the whole time, in addition to Jon and Chuggaa never being shot at.
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* {{spoiler|Tim}} winning the Crane Game.
* Tim tried to steal coins from DK when he first meets Boo, but accidentally got Jon instead. The kicker? Jon was close to the star and had 36 coins, which was actually the ''right'' move to do all along! He temporarily prevented Jon from grabbing the star!
* Doubting that Tim has [[Took a Level Inin Badass|gotten better]] since the last Mario Party? Well, along with the two above examples, he has done several other amazing things; he uses strategy a lot better now, often has the most or second-most coins, and wins quite a few of the minigames. Plus, he's stopped going so easy on Jon and Chugga, as shown when he stops specifically attacking the AI and now goes after one of them if they have a big lead. In fact, the only reason he hasn't won a board yet is because Chugga and Jon have ''also'' gotten a bit better, plus he frequently gets bad rolls. And even then, he's still come surprisingly close.
** Good examples on how he's gotten better is how he stayed in first place for the majority of Bowser Land, and how he never died whenever they played Platform Peril. Not to mention how he won 1st place in Bowser's Ballon Burst.
* At the end of Western Land, Chugga challenges Tim to a duel, putting 30 coins (and potentially the Coin Star) on the line. {{spoiler|Tim's reflexes were the victor.}}
** In spite of that, Chugga still somehow manages to get {{spoiler|not just the Coin Star, but all of the Bonus Stars, tying with Wario for Mini-game and Jon for Happening.}} And the kicker? {{spoiler|Jon still won anyway from managing to get 3 hard-earned Stars over the course of the actual game.}}
* Jon got 1 in space land. After landing on the "Happening space" and being chased back, he gets a hidden block that has a star...'''''[[Up to Eleven|ON HIS FIRST TURN!]]'''''
** Strikes again in Mystery Land. {{spoiler|He got between the warp points, thus missing the star... only to land on the star block space. [[But Wait! There's More!|THEN LATER]], he refused the UFO ride to the star, since he thought Chugga would get to it first, only to land on a teleport space, which took him to [[Serial Escalation|ANOTHER star space,]] and to boot, [Luigi landed on THE SAME SPOT before but DIDN'T GET THE STAR! [[But Wait! There's More!|THEN LATER]], he gets two more warp points and a low roll [[Born Lucky|AND GETS A]] [[Rule of Three|THIRD!]] [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|HIDDEN! STAR!]]. The chances of this happening on a single board is just phenomenally low! Granted, two of them got stolen and he didn't need them to win anyways, since he got all three bonus stars which gave him the victory, but it was still ridiculous.}}
*** And you know what? On the last turn, he needed to roll a 9 to at ''least'' get one final star, which would be the first -- and ''only'' -- star he gets from Toad. {{spoiler|He got the 9.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|1='''Jon''': [[Laughing Mad|You know what the funny thing is?]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|I only bought ONE STAR this whole game!]] [ I have SIX STARS!]}}}}
* Everyone's racing to get a star, and Jon is down to the only roll that has a chance to get him there. Jon rolls a 1 and plays an item game, in which he wins the only negative item in the game, the Bowser Bomb. That's not the awesome part. He states that he ''meant'' to do this, so that when Chugga and Tim immediately go past the star, Baby Bowser, and thus Bowser's starting space, moves directly behind them. Effectively, Jon missed the star, but in the meantime he was able to screw Chugga and NCS out of EVERY one of their coins.
** That's not even the best part: later that turn -- knowing full well what Jon has planned -- NCS chooses to use his dueling glove to {{spoiler|challenge and beat Chugga}} in the dueling game, and then we're treated to this:
{{quote| '''Jon:''' But now you actually need a decent roll.<br />
'''NCS:''' [[Badass Boast|That's not a problem. Watch this!]] {{spoiler|''(Rolls a 9, making it to the star with room to spare)''}} }}
* The guys are on the bad side of a 1-vs-3 game against Wario at Horror Land. Tim wins it for them.
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* Near the end of Bowser Land, Jon has to choose whether to steal a star from Tim, who has 2 stars, or Chugga, who has 1 star. He decides to steal a star from {{spoiler|Chugga}}. Now this wasn't out of spite or rivalry, he specificly planned this since {{spoiler|Tim}} had no chance at the bonus stars. Not only this but at the end of the game both {{spoiler|Jon and Chugga}} got tied for one of the bonus stars, meaning that Jon only won because he stole a star from {{spoiler|Chugga}} which he specifically planned for. Talk about strategic.
* Jon's massive streak in the Minigame Coaster, which spans multiple episodes. Chugga and Tim have barely even gotten to play because of him.
{{quote| '''Emile:''' Welcome to [[Proton Jon]] Plays Mario Party 2 featuring [[Chuggaaconroy]] and [[Nintendo Capri Sun]].<br />
'''Jon:''' [[Shout -Out|So can I put this on my]] [[This Very Wiki|TVTropes page?]] }}
* After Jon and Chuggaa fail on Hot Rope Jump, Tim wins it on his first try. Keep in mind that to clear it, you have to jump over the flames ''fifty times,'' and none of the guys had survived past forty.
** Similarly, there's Jon finally clearing Sneak 'n' Snore, which the guys have ''never'' won.
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* {{spoiler|Chugga's tournament victory.}} Most of it was a straight up [[Curb Stomp Battle]] against the other contestants, and he emerged undefeated after a very close tiebreaker match with {{spoiler|Rodri.}}
=== ''[[KirbysKirby's Return to Dream Land|Kirby's Return To Dreamland]]'' ===
* NCS's sudden, {{spoiler|unrivaled win}} during the last round of Ninja Dojo. {{spoiler|Chugga got 500-some points. Tim? In the 700s}}.
== Other ==
=== '''[[Super Smash Bros.]]''' ===
* Jon beating both Chuggaa and Tim at the same time during a fight with a single attack.
** Jon winning that game with two stock left counted on its own, especially since he was [[Handicapped Badass|playing with a controller he wasn't at all used to and had to adapt quickly.]] There's a reason he's [[The Ace]].
{{quote| '''Jon''': ''"I am the strongest of the Guys!'' '''''[[Large Ham|I RUN AWAY THE MOST!]]"'''''}}
* The fact that [[Nintendo Capri Sun]] managed to hold his own against Jon during their one on one match. [[Foregone Conclusion|He still lost]], but it didn't happen ''nearly'' as fast as one would come to expect of Tim during Runaway Guys.
* Chuggaa beating Tim 4-0 with Ness on Saffron. For those of you not in the know, Ness on Saffron is the worst possible character/stage combination.
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