• Terawatt in Russia at the end of the India op:
It took another hour and twenty minutes before the military vehicles drove up. By then she had learned all the guys’ names, and how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and a dozen other useful things in Russian, plus a dozen things she totally did not need to know how to say, like the Russian for ‘you have great tits’.
—Chapter 199
  • Detecting giant mutated molluscs on the beach at Santa Monica:

Frank said, “Yup, here we go, we got that sucker right in the middle of the sector.”
Dean disagreed, “No, it’s down in the south end.”
Doug pointed at his screen and insisted, “Unh-uh, I can trace it on the north end.”
Dean froze. “Oh shit. I got two epicenters in the south part.”
Doug choked, “I… I think I have three.”

Frank grinned, “Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even GOD has never seen!” He looked at the dead silence all around him. “What? It’s a great line!”
—Chapter 118