The Shield/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: Making Antwon shed tears.
** Let alone bringing down Antwon Mitchell AND his plan to bring about the formation of an alliance of all of the major gangs on the west coast.
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]]: Yow there's something about a lady that can handle herself...
* [[Jerkass]]: Her reaction to finding out that Claudette and Dutch were on the DA's shitlist, needless to say, was to blame Claudette and remind her of all of the guilty criminals that her actions ended up getting freed from jail.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Protective of her fellow officers, especially after two of them are murdered on orders of Antwon Mitchell. Even after finding out, for sure that Vic Mackey is corrupt and so are his fellow officers on the Strike Team, she cryptically tries to warn Vic "to be careful" during their final meeting.
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* [[Too Good to Last]]: Got a lot of fans in the Barn due to the fact she was getting money to fund the place and money to the community, some were sad to see her go.
** Especially on an acting level, as Glenn Close's presence on the show revived a series that came out of a dire third season. FX realized this, so they arranged to sign Glenn Close up for another series ([[Damages]]).
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]]: Yow there's something about a lady that can handle herself...
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]: Her seizure program rubbed a lot of elbows the wrong way but she was putting money into the community. Especially after she evicted a woman and her grandson from their home, which was bought with drug money.
==== Jon Kavanaugh ====
IAD officer who goes after Vic Mackey and the Strike Team. Needless to say, is [[Driven to Madness]] when he realizes the depths of which Vic and his friends will go to in order to stop him.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Forest Whitaker name checked this trope in at least one interview.
* [[Big Good]]: By right the viewers should root for this guy who is trying to get rid of a dangerous cop.
* [[Driven to Madness]]: Putting it mildly.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: He's trying to stop Mackey but he's got his flaws. Most notably, divorcing his wife rather than helping her with her mental illness problems.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Subverted. He gets thinner as the season goes on though...
* [[Fallen Hero]]: Became corrupt when he tried to take down Mackey.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Subverted. He gets thinner as the season goes on though...
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: He's trying to stop Mackey but he's got his flaws. Most notably, divorcing his wife rather than helping her with her mental illness problems.
* [[Jerkass]]: Lost points with even his fans when he froze Corrine's accounts. Also the matter with his ex-wife.
* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]
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* [[Put on a Bus]]
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Gets this in his last scene from Vic Mackey.
==== Ben Gilroy ====
* [[Big Bad]]: For season 1, subverted in season 2.
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* Gayangst: Has a little bit of this.
* [[The Heart]]: Can't tell a lie and for the people who commit crimes because of family needs, to tells he'll ask his pastor to look for work.
* [[Invisible to Gaydar]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: See [[Writer Revolt]] below.
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: ^^^
* [[Invisible to Gaydar]]
* [[Twofer Token Minority]]: Twifer actually, Black,gay, and Christian.
* [[Writer Revolt]]: The character was turned "straight" as a condition for Michael Jace (who plays Julian) resigning for the remainder of the show's run (he was only under contract for a set number of episodes in season one). Sadly, when fans reacted negatively to him suddenly being cured of his gayness, the character was effectively [[Demoted to Extra]] for the rest of the series, save for season seven (where he was given a spotlight episde towards the end of the series run).
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==== Tina Hanlon ====
A new recruit assigned to serve as Julien's partner. Her going from vain pretty girl to competant cop was a major storyline for the later seasons of the show.
* [[Fan Service]]
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Though she does learn from her mistakes.
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==== Armadillo Quintero ====
* [[The Chessmaster]]:Not too bad at it.
* [[Big Bad]]: For season 2 {{spoiler|until he turns out to be a [[Disc One Final Boss]].}}
* [[The Chessmaster]]:Not too bad at it.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Raped 12 year old to keep her from testifying. When he was 11 he raped his teacher. And he disfigured Ronnie (but thankfully didn't rape him).
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Pretty tough, even when he got stabbed several times he kept fighting. Officially he is a genius.
==== Margos Dezerian ====
* {{spoiler|[[Anticlimax Boss]]}}
* [[Big Bad]]: For season 3.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Played by writer/producer Kurt Sutter (who went on to create ''[[Sons of Anarchy]]'' where he also plays Otto).
* [[Fake Nationality]]: Played by Kurt Sutter, who is American.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: Briefly, for a few minutes he looks more like a nerd than terror...then he calmly shoots a guy who annoyed him while snorting drugs.