The Sky Crawlers: Difference between revisions

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** Lautern's Fortune heavy bombers appear to be a fusion of a Avro Lancaster with the unbuilt Victory Bomber concept.
** Rostock's Someka heavy fighter doesn't seem to resemble any WWII design, instead it bears more resemblance to the Piaggio P.180 Avanti executive transport. The closest WWII design it resembles is the Miles M.39B Libellula.
** Rostock's heavy bombers are heavily based on the Northrop YB-35, except with six engines, a pair of tall rudders and a sizeable keel which folds up when landing. Their medium bomber seem to be a combination of various German bombers, such as the Dornier Do 17 and the Heinkel He 177 Greif, its push-pull configuration engines are not seen on any contemporary bombers.
** Rostock's airborne refuelling tanker, the Whale, seems to be a blend of Martin PBM Mariner and a Dornier Do 24.
* [[Alternate History]] / [[Alternate Universe]]: It's not established in what year the movie is set in, but it features old school airplanes side by side with flat-screen TVs, and apparently conventional war has been completely eliminated in favour of [[War for Fun and Profit]] that doesn't put civilians, or governments for that matter, at risk.