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Now that George has disturbed the fragile truce between the warring statues of London, he is forced into a race for survival where nothing is what it seems, and it's never clear [[Friend or Foe|whom to trust]].
And this is just the beginning, as the statues of London awakeawaken...
Has a [[The Stoneheart Trilogy/Characters|character sheet]].
== Tropes for ''Stoneheart'' include: ==
=== Tropes for ''Stoneheart'' include: ===
* {{spoiler|[[Always Save the Girl]]: The Gunner risks breaking his oath to the Walker in order to rescue Edie from the Minotaur by saving one last bullet in spite of promising to fight the Minotaur weaponless.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Breaking the Fellowship]]: In the end of ''Stoneheart'', the Gunner is taken by the Walker, leaving George and Edie to rescue him.}}
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* [[Dean Bitterman]] / [[Sadist Teacher]]: Killingbeck. Just his ''[[Meaningful Name|name]]'' pretty much sums him up.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: George's father. Also, Edie's father. {{spoiler|In the third book, they're revealed to be the [[Long-Lost Relative|half-siblings]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: When Edie gets captured by the Minotaur.}}
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Edie has this emotion strongly enough to [[Armor-Piercing Slap|slap]] George when he tries to apologize to her.
{{quote| '''George:''' Look, I'm sorry— [''gets slapped by Edie''] What the... Why did you...?<br />
'''Edie:''' Don't be sorry for me. Don't treat me like I'm soft. And don't like me. }}
* [[Extra-Strength Masquerade]]: Because the regular [[Muggles]] can't see what they wouldn't normally see, anything out of the ordinary they may see is totally ignored.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: {{spoiler|The Gunner}} makes a [[Pet the Dog]] moment when he begins to call Edie by name.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|The Gunner}}:''' Right. Follow me. And, Edie--try not to get lost, eh?<br />
'''George:''' [''notices Edie grinning''] What?<br />
'''Edie:''' Edie. He called me Edie. [''tries to stop grinning and blushes instead'']<br />
'''George:''' Well, it's your name, isn't it?<br />
'''Edie:''' He usually calls me 'that glint' or 'her.'<br />
'''George:''' Well, you grow on people. }}
* [[Fish Out of Water]] / [[Naive Newcomer]]: George.
* {{spoiler|[[I Choose to Stay]]: In the end of ''Stoneheart'', George chooses to not return the dragon head and instead stay in the "un-London" where living statues can be seen so that Edie won't be alone.}}
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: Arguably -- George (Superego), Edie (Id), and the Gunner (Ego).
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: The living statues -- the spits and taints. Oh, and the Walker.
* [[Ironic Echo]]:
{{quote| '''Edie:''' Listen, you idiot, we--<br />
'''George:''' Hey, you're the one who said there's no 'we'! I'm agreeing, you're right, okay? I'm just not doing this anymore.<br />
[''...'']<br />
'''George:''' Where are we going? Edie, where are we going?<br />
'''Edie:''' It's 'we' now, is it? }}
* [[Kid Hero]]: George and Edie.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Edie to the Glints. [[Fantastic Racism|Not that anyone's complaining...]]
* [[The Mentor]]: The Gunner towards George and later Edie.
* [[Nakama]]: Slowly but ever surely George, Edie, and the Gunner are forming this.
* [[One-Gender School]]: George goes to an all-boys' school.
* [[Power Trio]]: Arguably -- George (Superego), Edie (Id), and the Gunner (Ego).
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: {{spoiler|The Walker}}'s deal to {{spoiler|the Gunner}} -- go into battle with no weapons at all... or sealing {{spoiler|Edie}} to a terrible fate.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|The Walker}}:''' {{spoiler|Give me the weapon or the bullets, or by the name of the hand that made you I will let the Bull do what he will with the girl-child--boy or no boy!}}}}
* [[Say My Name]]:
{{quote| '''George:''' EDIE!}}
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Dictionary all the way.
* [[Sequel Hook]]
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Dictionary all the way.
* [[Ship Tease]]: It's difficult to say because there is no pairing in the first book, but [[Boy Meets Girl|George and Edie]] can easily be paired up because they're both [[Puppy Love|twelve]]. Even one of the Sphinx lampshades this.
{{quote| '''Sphinx:''' Then you won't get an answer; and you can go away and take your glint with you.<br />
'''George:''' She's not ''my'' glint.<br />
'''Sphinx:''' You can take her anyway. }}
** And the Walker too.
{{quote| '''The Walker:''' How very sickening. You found yourself your own little Stone Heart.}}
** The same could even be said about [[Bodyguard Crush|Edie and the Gunner]], though it's very unlikely. {{spoiler|But Edie seems particularily happy around the Gunner later into the story, even smiling at him (an unfamiliar gesture on Edie that even George notices), and the Gunner is quite protective of her, even risking his oath with the Walker to save Edie from the Minotaur.}}
** This [[Ship Sinking|ship is squarely sunk]] when {{spoiler|George and Edie are revealed to be half-siblings in the third book}}
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* [[Shout-Out]]: In a memory recollected by George, his father had belched following a meal and said, [[Shrek|"Better out than in."]]
* [[When You Coming Home, Dad?]]: George's mother.
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Edie to the Glints. [[Fantastic Racism|Not that anyone's complaining...]]
== Tropes for ''Ironhand'' include: ==
=== Tropes for ''Ironhand'' include: ===
* [[Cliff Hanger]]
* [[Sequel Hook]]
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: Edie tells George about when {{spoiler|her stepfather tried to kill her on the beach. Edie hit her stepfather hard with a pebble, sending him falling into a chasm and to his doom}}.
* [[For the Evulz]]: [[Complete Monster|The]] [[Big Bad|Walker]] admits to {{spoiler|committing mass genocide against the Glints}}. Why? Because he could, and [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|being immortal is boring.]]
* [[The Power of Love]]: Arguably, this is what {{spoiler|brings Edie back from the dead}}
* [[Eye Scream]]: Edie to the {{spoiler|Walker}}. It [[Good Thing You Can Heal|heals almost instantly]], of course, but he is now forever doomed to walk the earth with only one eye, which really, really pisses him off.
** Also, the Walker's assistant/slave Glint, who ''sewed her eyes shut'' so that she wouldn't have to glint the horrible things that have happened in his house anymore.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Pretty much the Walker's only reason for {{spoiler|killing off all the Glints}}, other than the fact that [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|being immortal is boring.]]
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: The Gunner to the Walker after the former finds out that the latter has {{spoiler|single-handedly wiped out an entire race}}. Made especially ironic by the Gunner's [[Fantastic Racism]] in the first book.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Spout, the gargoyle
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* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: In ''Stoneheart'', the Gunner blasted Spout the gargoyle to kingdom come. In ''Ironhand'', he's somehow alive again with no explanation whatsoever as to how he came back.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: Played Straight with {{spoiler|Edie's death}}.
{{quote| {{smallcaps| "You can't change the past, even if it hasn't happened yet"}}}}
== Tropes for ''Silvertongue'' include: ==
=== Tropes for ''Silvertongue'' include: ===
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: Tragically subverted with Edie's mother as she was not a villain in any way. In an attempt to save her daughter from [[Complete Monster|The]] [[Big Bad|Walker]], she throws herself at him, causing both of them to fall off the roof of a tall building. {{spoiler|While The Walker survives the fall due to his [[Immortality]], Edie's mother falls to her death}}.
* [[Hellish Horse]]: the Night Mare
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