The Tale of the Princess Kaguya: Difference between revisions

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* [[Scenery Porn]]: Occurs a lot in Kaguya's early childhood, with many shots focusing on distant mountains, greenery, or small animals. There are many shots of trees blossoming or flowers opening.
* [[Screen Shake]]: When the suitors rush to Princess Kaguya's palace on horseback and carts, commanding civilians to get out of the way, Screen Shake is used to highlight the intensity of the scene. [[Downplayed]], as the shake is subtle and is sparingly used in the sequence.
* [[Silence Is Golden]]: The film is quite quiet, and between the monumental moments of huge symphonies lies smaller, contemplative moments. These moments are filled with sounds of nature, or the rain pouring down. Other times, such as moments leading up to {{spoiler|the luna residents coming to Earth}}, are completely silent to build suspense.
* [[Slice of Life]]: It's a Ghibli movie, so of course there will be some slice of moments scattered in. The slice of life elements are reflective of the time period of [[Feudal Japan]], instead of modern times, unlike many other Slice of Life works. These moments include Princess Kaguya as a toddler crawling outside her parents' house while chasing a frog, singing with children as everyone walks around mountains, and attempting to catch a pheasant. By the time Princess Kaguya moves to the mansion, these moments become less prominent, reflecting a significant change in her lifestyle.
* [[Solemn Ending Theme]]: "When I Remember This Life", a and slow paced duet between piano and vocals, reflective of the [[Downer Ending]].