The Ten Commandments: Difference between revisions

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** "Better to die before a God than live in shame", according to Rameses. [[Revenge Before Reason|He knew there was a chance his army could die but he ordered them to charge anyway]].
*** Also, after ''seeing with their own eyes'' God part the waters of the sea, the Hebrews are quick to question the existence of Him while waiting for Moses to return from Mount Sinai. [[What an Idiot!|So they decided to forge a golden idol to worship instead]].
***Obviously some of them did realize that-they were the once who somehow went AWOL on that operation.
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Played straight with Rameses succeeding the relatively [[Reasonable Authority Figure|reasonable]] Seti. Technically averted when Dathan is promoted to governor upon Baka's death -- while he is certainly a [[Bad Boss]], he's nowhere near as tyrannical as Baka.
* [[Unperson]]: Sethi proclaims that Moses' name be erased from every carving, and never be spoken again, after learning that he is the one destined to free the Israelites. So let it be written, so let it be done! Obviously, that didn't take.