The Thing from Another World: Difference between revisions

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* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]: Dr. Carrington again. He knowingly puts colleagues in harm's way and tries to grow little Things. Nikki kindly suggests he is not himself due to sleep deprivation.
* [[Jump Scare]]: {{spoiler|Is anyone in the audience ready to see a fully regrown Thing standing [[Oh Crap|right at the doorway]] when Hendry opens it?}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]: Dr. Carrington}}.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Hendry: "What do you do with a vegetable?" Nikki: "Cook it." Which leads to -
** [[Infernal Retaliation]]: They set a whole room on fire but the Thing gets away. The crew eventually decides to Kill It With Electricity instead.