The Thirty-Six Stratagems: Difference between revisions

(CAPS to italics, spelling)
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* ''[[Doctor Who]]'': The Eleventh Doctor tricked the Daleks into believing a biscuit was a self-destruct button for the TARDIS (temporarily).
** The Doctor is especially fond of #27; most of his enemies think he is a mad fool right up until their plans crumble underneath them. Most of his allies too, come to think of it.
* ''[[The Closer]]'' loves #27 and #28 to pieces. To clarify: Brenda makes sure no lawyers are in the building to advise the perp. Then, when it's just the two of them in the interrogation chamber, she goes to work acting like a breezy scatterbrained peach and making him drop his guard. Then, once he makes his fatal slip, she immediately drops the act.
== Tabletop Games ==
