The Time Machine/Nightmare Fuel

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The Book

  • The Morlocks feed and tend to the childlike, innocent Eloi so that they can sneak into their houses at night, take them down to their tunnels, and eat them alive.
  • The Time Traveller's journey past the Eloi and the Morlocks at the end of the book. For the first time in the book, he is completely cut off from any form of humanity. As he contemplates the complete end of humanity, the only life froms around him are giant crabs and something in the shadows that we don't get to see.
    • The something is a hopping, approximately football-sized object that utterly terrifies the Time Traveller. Scholars who are familiar with H.G. Wells's satirical idea of the future humans as nothing but overgrown brains with some kind of manipulatory organ attached recognise this as the exact opposite: a ravenous stomach without a brain.
  • The fate of Weena.

The 1960 Movie